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First day of school and you really don’t feel like going. Don’t get it wrong – you love to learn, in fact, you choose to go to school again eventhough during the summer you got a job offered. But you felt like you had so much more to learn so you decided to go to school for another year or two.

And now you’re here, regretting you didn’t take the offer.

Taking in a deep breath you walk down the hallway, people chattering happily about there summers and telling each other how they had missed them. You’re just trying to make your way through this crowd, avoiding every glare that wants to catch you only to judge you.

It’s hard being the ‘new’ one and you don’t know your way around. You try to figure out if there’s a pattern anywhere.

Boys try to act though and muscularly and try to impress the girls, while an other kind of group of guys are hastily looking for their books in their lockers.

There are girls giggling, gossiping and looking arrogant while the other kind of girls are shyly walking around, talking about their classes and such.

High school was and is a little a fright for you. Meeting new persons, trying to figure your way around aren’t really your favorite things to do.

You finally managed to find the ‘help’ desk. “Hello, how can I help you?”

“Hi, I uhm.. I’m new and I don’t where my room is.” You look down to your suitcase you’ve been dragging along.

“Oh, what’s your name and number? I can check it for you.”

You give everything she needs and wait patiently. Turning around you scan the hallway. People start to hurry as the bell just rang. Soon enough the hallway was empty, with every once in a while a person strolling down it, possibly lost.

“Here you go. I got a map for you where I circled your dorm with the room number beneath it and your schedule. For today you can settle and you can skip class if you like to. Good luck!” the lady explains to you.

You thank her and make your way outside to make a start with the search to your dorm. Turning the map multiple times you try to figure out how it works. You never really were a smart one with maps to begin with. As you pause and put down your suitcase you take in your environment. It’s really pretty here. Still trying to figure out which way to go, you suddenly hear a bang behind you.


As you turn around you see somebody lying on the floor, tripped over your suitcase.

“Oh my god! Are you okay? I’m so sorry!”

The dark browned hair boy shrugs and rubs the back of his head.

“Wea? I tripped.” He chuckles at his own stupidity. “I’m fine” he says while scrambling up. He hands out his hand. “I’m Dongho” and smiles.

You take his hand. “I’m ___” and smile back.

“I’ve never seen you here before?” he asks, looking at the suitcase. “Ah! You’re new?!”

You nod. “Yes, and now I’m trying to find the dorm” you chuckle, feeling completely lost.

“I would love to show you around! But I.. We’re having a concert tonight and I’m already running late. It was really nice to meet you! Bye~” he shouts while running away.

You chuckle. What a cute boy. And what a rush he’s in. What did he mean by ‘we’re having a concert?’ You shrug and take your suitcase to continue the search.

Dongho GoodbyeWhere stories live. Discover now