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Seeing Cho Hee’s expression you quickly change the subject. “Shouldn’t we get ready for that show?” you say while looking at your watch. She checks hers. 

“Oh yes! Let’s hurry” and drags you back to your room looking cautiously around afraid of bumping into Mi Cha again. As she finds the coast is clear she quickly pushes you inside the room and closes the door. Blocking the door and covering her heart with her hand she looks like one of the girls seen in horror movies. You chuckle. 

“Don’t be such a drama queen” you laugh as you’re already rummaging through your suitcase for a cute outfit. Because be honest, eventhough you don’t want to get involved in this Mi Cha drama, you definitely saw yourself involved with that kid – if possible of course. 

Are you cocky? - no.

Are conceited? - not really.

Are you confident? - much likely.

“Ya! I’m telling you, she is your worst nightmare.” Her eyes turning into small slits she speaks with a dramatic voice. To be honest you couldn’t care any less, being used to people overreacting like this.

“How’s this?” you change the subject once again by holding up a black skinny jeans and a cute grey top. 

“It’s cute!” she exclaims, peaking at your suitcase. You laugh.

“You can borrow some if you see something nice” you say to her as you make your way to the bathroom.

“A- are you sure?”

“Yes! Back home me and my friends borrowed clothes from each other all the time. I’m sure they’ll fit you, go ahead” and close the door.


“Whoa, I really love this t-shirt” Cho Hee giggles while looking down at your shirt. You have to admit, this shirt looks way cuter and better on her as it does on you. Cho Hee has her hair in two cute ponytails while you spent almost half an hour straightening it. You try to fix your hair as the wind made a mess of it and as you do so you enter the big auditorium. 

It’s a huge hall with in front a large stage stretched out over the entire breadth of the room. The seats, placed in a slight curve go all the way down, counting at least fifty rows. “Whoa, what are they up to” you say more to yourself than to Cho Hee. She chuckles at your expression and pulls you down, searching for the right spot. Suddenly you hear a voice chime behind you. It sounds somewhat familiar but you can’t place it.

“Ya! ___-ah! Wait.” As you turn around you see a small brown haired boy rushes over, a smile on his face as he stops in front of you and Cho Hee. 

“Ah, Dongho” you smile back, bowing slightly as you greet him. “This is my friend Cho Hee.” Her eyes twinkle at the word friend and you’re sure that if Dongho wasn’t in the way she would’ve hugged you until you couldn’t breath no more. 

“Why are you going to sit all the way up here? Come” and he takes your wrist to pull you down the stairs before you – or Cho Hee can say something. You’ve never met a guy so straight forward as him before. Blinking your eyes in surprise as he pushes you into your seat grinning like an idiot you stutter 

“Wh- why is this b- better?”

“Because!” he just bluntly says and walks away.

“Ya! Where do you think you’re going?” you shout after him but he can’t hear you no more or he’s just ignoring you – he’s most likely just ignoring you. You must say, Dongho wearing a suite looks really handsome. A chuckle besides you makes you snap out of your thoughts.

“You have something on your chin” she laughs, almost crying from laughter.“You should’ve seen your face ___-ah.” She quickly tries to keep her face straight seeing your face frown. “I’m sorry, it’s just so funny” and wipes away a tear. Your face turns red and giving her one more glance makes you burst into laughter too, filling the auditorium with your giggles. 

In the back a rather tall girl watches the two of you, her eyes squeezed together and her expression not amused. Hissing through her teeth she takes a deep breath and starts to walk down to stairs dramatically, ready for confrontation. 

Smiling and laughing with Cho Hee you’re totally unaware of the loud footsteps approaching you. When you feel a finger tapping you turn around, your eyes growing big at the sight of a furious Mi Cha. 

“Hello” and a rascal smile shows on your face.

Dongho GoodbyeWhere stories live. Discover now