Some Time Together - Shin Dongho x Reader

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You cooked at the stove and wiped the sweat from your forehead with your sleeve as you sighed heavily.

You wondered why you were making this incredibly difficult meal anyway, but you realized the obvious; it’s Dongho’s favorite. Just that is enough to make every drop of sweat worth it.

You finally poured the contents of the meal onto a serving plate and smiled at your work, it looked delicious! Steaming and hot and made with all of your love.

You mixed the contents together to let some of the steam release when you felt tender arms wrap around your waist from behind

You smiled and put your free hand on top his arms, “Annyeong, Dongho-ah~”

He nuzzled his face into your back, “Annyeong, yeobo.”

You giggled, “Why the hug, Dongho-ah?”

You felt him shrug, “I don’t know,” he said against your back, “I just felt like it.”

You laughed again, “That’s a perfectly acceptable answer.” You finished stirring the contents,“It’s ready Dongho~”

To your surprise, he shook his head.

“What is it?” you frowned and turned to him in his arms, “Does it not look good, baby?”

He gasped and shook his head hard, “Aniya! It looks delicious, yeobo, I just um…”

You rose your eyebrow curiously, “What?”

Dongho looked at the ground shyly, “Well, I-I’m not all that hungry,” he said quietly.

You nodded, ”Oh, alright then, but what else is it? Is something bothering you?”

He smiled shyly and looked up at you through his eyebrows, “I  really just want to spend my free day with you, yeobo,” he said in a melancholic tone, “I don’t know when my next free day is going to be with my busy schedule and such,” he pursed his lips, “I would love to eat your lovingly prepared food, but I feel like it takes away time when we could be doing something else together.”

You smiled at him and you hugged him, “Alright, Dongho-ah, I understand, what do you want to do?” you kissed him on the cheek before pulling away.

He smiled that heart melting smile of his, “Let’s watch a movie together!”

You laughed as he was already leading you to the living room to the couch in front of the television, “Alright then~”

He went over to the cabinet that held all of the movies, “Close your eyes, jagiya, I want it to be a surprise!”

You smiled and closed your eyes, awaiting the lovely surprise. You heard the DVD player open and close and the sound of the television being switched on.

You felt a soft kiss on your lips, “Okay, open your eyes.”

You opened your eyes to see a horrifying scene of a little girl.

You screamed on the top of your lungs and launched yourself into Dongho’s arms instinctively for protection.

You felt his chest going up and down with hard laughter. You pounded him on the chest with your fists.

“Wae?” you screamed, “That was so mean!”

He hugged you tight to him, “Mianhe, yeobo, I just love watching horror movies with you! It makes me feel manly~”

You tried not to smile, instead, you pouted the cutest pout you could muster up, “I think you’re always manly!”

He smiled and kissed you on the forehead, “I know, but I like protecting you, it’s my duty as your boyfriend to keep you safe from all of harm’s way.”

You cuddled yourself close to his chest as he pulled a safety blanket over the two of you,“Only this once Dongho-ah, I don’t like bein-“ as he clicked ‘play movie’ on the menu screen there was a loud scream that cut you off. You buried your face into Dongho’s chest again, “…being scared,” you continued quietly.

The movie felt like it was going on for hours. Hours filled with you screaming, Dongho laughing and comfort kisses.

Dongho held you tight during one of the most suspenseful parts of the movie and you practically shaking from fear.

"I’m here, yeobo, no need to be scared. I’ll protect you with my life," he whispered in your ear. You still screamed when the little girl came out again on screen, but Dongho held you tight. You always felt safe with Dongho.

There was some down time in the movie and somewhere during that period, Dongho’s hold on you loosened.

You looked up to see him breathing softly as though the horrifying screams were nothing.

You smiled, he must be so tired from his busy schedules with U-Kiss; he was the infamous maknae after all.

That was what made you love Dongho even more than you would think was possible; he always made time for you. Even if it was hard, he would always want to spend time with you because he knew how important it was to make sure that you would never, ever, forget how much he truly loved you; which you never did.

You gathered all of your bravery and got up from the couch to grab the remote and turned off the movie.

Dongho’s eyes opened slightly and he looked down at you half asleep. He smiled and kissed you on the tip of the nose as he arranged himself to lie down on the couch. He pressed up as close to the back of the couch as possible to give you room to squeeze in next to him.

You nestled yourself up next to him as he wrapped his arms tight around you. You could hear his quiet breathing as he already drifted off to sleep. His heart strummed you a beautiful lullaby as his warmth engulfed you. It wasn’t just the body heat, but you could feel Dongho’s love wrap around you, even as he slept.

It was a beautiful feeling knowing that you were loved by such a sweet angel as Dongho.

You kissed his chest because you didn’t want to move and wake him up for a real kiss.

Dongho shifted a little and pressed his lips to the top of your head, he mumbled a hardly audible, “Saranghae,” and his breath quieted again.

You smiled, “Na do saranghae, my strong, manly, oppa.” You swear you felt him smile against your head.

With that, you fell asleep in your loving boyfriend’s arms and looked forward to every waking moment you would spend with him when he woke up.

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