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[tsk, I am having thoughts of discontinuing this story again. It's not like you guys care though lmao.]

[3:08 PM]

Yuri: I figured out the best day for you to come.

Yuri: January 21st!!

Victor: January 21st!!!!!  That's so long from now.

Yuri: It's literally only 14 days...

Victor: More like 14 years.

Yuri: You just have to get through 14 24 hour periods!

Victor: That makes it sounds even longer.

Yuri: If you don't think about it, the days will go faster!

Victor: How can you say that if I think about you approximately 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds everyday..

Yuri: Well what about the other 4 minutes and 56 seconds?

Victor: Well, a day isn't exactly 24 hours. They just round those 4 minutes and 56 seconds to 24.

Yuri: I didn't need a scientific answer Victor...

Victor: too bad I gave it anyways...

Victor: But anyways, you are always on my mind for approximately 24 hours. It's like I think about all the fun we are going to have. From me coaching you, to us in the bedroom, God knows I just can't wait.

Victor: Also, do you have any idea on the things I want to buy you!!

Yuri:  buy me things?? You don't have to do that!! I'm already talking your free time away from you.. No need to take your money too.

Victor: For the 8th millionth time, you aren't being a burden to me nor are you talking away my free time. This was my idea remember ;)

Victor: And I want you to get what you want! You aren't wasting my money!! I have plenty of it.

Yuri: Victor... you're being too nice. I barely deserve to be able to see your face in person. Let alone you buying me stuff.

Victor: Oh Yuri...

Victor: It seems like you can't get it into your head that I'm perfectly fine with this.

Victor: So I guess I am going to have to pound it into you... Literally

Yuri: Is that supposed to be sexual or a threat.

Yuri: I would mind either of them but I prefer sexual. ;)

Victor: what are you saying here? ;)

Yuri: I wouldn't mind you pounding me.. ;)

Victor: Until you can't walk?

Yuri: I doubt you could do that, but sure, I'll let you get your best shot.

Victor: Are you really underestimating me?

Victor: Wow, Yuri Katsuki is really under estimating me.

Yuri: you aren't offended right?

Victor: Not at all ;)

Victor: I just can't wait to show you how serious I am when we are together.

Victor: I also appreciate that you finally opened up towards me. Even though we have only been talking for a few months, it's been one of my happiest few months ever.

Yuri: Making other people happy makes me happy.

Yuri: So as long as you are happy, I am happy.

Yuri: anyways, I have to leave right now. see you soon, literally, Victor <3

Victor: see you soon, literally, Yuri <3


{sorry for the short, filler chapter. I honestly don't know what to update until they actually met up, and I have alot of ideas for that ;). But I guess until than shorter chapters. rip this bad story I should end it kms}

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