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[wowza, You guys really enjoyed that chapter that featured Sangwoo. So I added him here again for a slight angst effect ya knowAlso sorry for the late update, I'm not liking this story and you guys seem to stop reading it so eh?? I'm not sure what you guys want because if you guys aren't enjoying the story anymore I'll just stop it. Thanks ;)]

"Come on Makkachin" Victor said in a stressed out tone. Sangwoo is waiting outside for us!!

It was 3 in the morning and it was a pitch black except for the few lights in the distance houses. Victor's private jet was departing at 4:30 and Sangwoo offered to drive Victor to the airport to have one more face to face chat.

"Do you need help with anything?" Sangwoo said budding in Victor's home. He stood there with his semi short bleached hair covering his dark eyebags. He looked over and grabbed 3 of the suitcases, which were alot more heavier than what they looked like.

"Jesus fuck Victor, how long are you planning to stay with this kid?"

"How many times do I have to repeat this to you? Well the Grand Prix Final is about ten months from now, so probably at least ten months.

"Ten months eh" Sangwoo put his head down avoiding eye contact

"I'm not sure what you are trying to do." Victor said with his town getting sharper with every word. If you are trying to make me stay by crying you aren't making the cut. You act like this every single time I meet someone new, but now I've finally meet someone who can possibly make me happy and you can't take that away from me!

"I'm not trying to take that away from you. Sangwoo's voice trailed off. I'm just -

"You're trying to do what? Ruin my chance of meeting someone I care about? I didn't act like this whenever you meet someone new do I? We can still be friends even when we meet new people. God, your so controlling and such a narcissist. Everything isn't just about you!

Sangwoo feel silent. It was a long awkward silence between the two men. Even Makkachin was quit.

"Look" Victor said breaking the tension. It's already 3:15, we really need to get going.

[time skip because I am two lazy to write to write a car scene :')]

"Is that everything? Sangwoo said slamming the trunk behind him.

"I'm pretty sure, everything is loaded onto the loading cart. Victor said ecstatically

"Jesus fuck, who knew clothes could be so heavy."

"Who said I only packed clothes " Victor smirked. Sangwoo stood there with a disgusted look as he slowly start to understand what Victor met

"You aren't talking about-"

"It's just a joke!!" Victor laughed. Sangwoo rolled his eyes and showed no emotion, but soon was laughing right along with Victor.

The laughing eventually died down and Sangwoo looked down at his watch. "Victor, it's 3:46 you should get on your way."

"Ah, it is." Victor finger combed his hair back and looked up at Sangwoo. "I'm going to miss you buddy."

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