My Bad Case of Restlessness

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{Elly's POV}
     I was walking towards my fourth period class after being chased down the halls of my school by Ni. Honestly, I find her to be quite frightening when she tries. We had been talking about how we met while laughing when remembering the small details. I was such an odd child. I had never had many friends because I didn't fit in with many groups. Before I met Lu, Morgan, Ni, and Mar I was an introvert. My main goal in life was to hide in a corner as to not be noticed. I really thought that I could succeed in erasing my presence from the world without suicide. My friends helped me through that. They brought out the kinder, not to mention dorkier, side of me. My memories started to show up in my mind as I walked in the, now full, hallways towards history.
    Upon arriving into my history class I glanced to the side only to notice Ni was speaking with Morgan. I had been talking to Lu and apparently it was a new ship shared between our group. Not that Ni knew about it. She was a loner. Ni has always liked being alone, which is frustrating for me because I get bored and always text her when I'm bored. She's terrible at withholding smalltalk. Not that I want to talk about the weather, but you get my point! I could see Ni's hand brush against Morgan's arm as a blush crept to his face. Ni seemed to either ignore or not even notice his tomato face. Eventually I turned away when Ni looked straight at me. I don't want to seem like a stalker even if I am because that defeats the whole purpose!
     I sat next to Mar as our teacher, Ms. Fail, droned on and on. She obviously didn't like our class as she would snap whenever a whisper was heard. I get this strange feeling that she just doesn't like any class. Does she even like children? Probably not. So why be a teacher? I guess it was a not so well thought out plan. Like the Articles of Confederation (First plan of self-government for the U.S.), because that sucked! That, at least, points out that I've learned something from this class but not much.
     My eyes searched the room, looking for any item or quote that could possibly hold my attention. I seemed to be restless today, jumping from one topic to the next. No person or thing could possibly fix me, now...
     "You alright, El?" I heard from my side, Mar was looking straight at me. As soon as our eyes met I could feel the rush of blood invade my face. It was quite unpleasant...
     "Y-yeah, I'm just tired." I said weakly, while trying to do my best impression of a real laugh. His eyes held my attention for a short second, the wonderful deep blue ocean, but once again I couldn't keep myself at bay.

     No matter how hard I tried to keep focus, I would fail miserably every time. It was the last period of the day as I lifted my head to gaze out the window. There wasn't much outside that I could pay attention to.
     "Trees, puddles, bushes, and..." I whispered while looking around the outside, until I reached a surprising sight. "Is that Lia and Morgan?" My voice rose from a whisper to softly spoken.
     There they were, my sister and friend. Sitting on a bench outside. Lia seemed to be flustered while Morgan was talking. I couldn't hear a word he said thanks to the glass and distance but I could tell that he was comforting  her. One arm around her shoulders while the other is holding his book. I blinked as I saw Lia kiss his cheek and run off. The surprised facial expression that Morgan had made me laugh loudly in my math class. It made me quite happy to see the guy who scared me, finally, scared!
    "What are you laughing about, Ms. Fim?" Mrs. Rozas asked while holding a... wait, Is that a frog? My eyes were glued to the small item in her hands.
     "Two people were in the tree." I lied while trying my best to hide the snickers that were threatening to release. My eyes once again found themselves searching the room for another item or person to hold my interest. I skimmed over Morgan's chair. He was here before class and then outside during class! How'd he do that? I thought as I moved my eyes around the room until settling my gaze on Morgan's chair. It sat empty next to Ni's. Finally, I had something to save myself from utter boredom!

     I was lying in bed as my phone began to ring.
     "Hello? You have reached the Fim's line." I said, monotously. The voice on the other side was slightly high-pitched but it was one of those voices that made you happy, it was Lu.
    "What's up?" I asked as I could hear her crumbling paper.
     "Did you hear?" Lu's voice squeaks as the excitement leaks out.
     "Hear what?" I asked, this was normal. Someone calls the other with information and they try to make it seem worth more. This could be anything.
     "Well, I learned that Lia wasn't in her last period of the day and you know how Morgan disappeared, too?" The more she talked the higher the pitch went.
     "Yeah." I framed the word as more of a question. Could this possibly have something to do with when I saw them in the trees?
     "Lia totally told Morgan she had feelings for him!" Her pitch was so high that my ears began to hurt. "And the worst part is, Morgan said he didn't like her back! Can you believe it?!" I cringed as she started to laugh.

     I talked with Lu for two hours straight as we went over the whole day. But I couldn't get over the fact that my sister was rejected... Lia has always been so nice. Why would Morgan say no? Does he possibly like someone else? I don't know... maybe I don't even want to.

A/n- Hello! I'm making things a little saucier, I suppose. If you want you can comment story ideas about how Lia will react. I'll shout out to the person who gets it right, next chapter! Thanks for reading! Bye-bye!

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