Chapter Two

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"I don't think it's a good idea."

That was the first thing Normani had said to Camila, upon learning her intentions to go back to Lakeview House. She'd rolled her eyes, but she'd stopped her with a hand on her wrist. That had made Camila pull back and quirk an eyebrow at her, but she'd merely grinned. She was lucky they were friends. She knew she was a stronger Dom; she also knew they would never have made a good match. Though Camila had toyed with the idea of switching, it wasn't in her nature. Normani was really her equal, but with more experience and, usually, a more level head on her shoulders. When her thoughts weren't clouded every time her sub Dinah came into the room. The young woman sat the tea service down on the coffee table, and then took her place on her knees at Normani's feet.

"Good girl," Normani praised, and Camila smiled. They'd been together for about as much time as Lauren had been with her Dominant, but the relationship couldn't be more different. Normani was strong, a veritable rock for her sub, and though Dinah could be a brat and according to her Dominant spent more time than necessary over her lap, Camila knew Dinah would move heaven and earth to please Normani.

"I didn't really ask for an opinion; I asked if there was anything that could get me in trouble by seeing her again." Catching the minute scowl on Dinah's face, Camila laughed. "Easy, Dinah. I'm not yelling at Normani, I promise."

Normani clapped her hand on the top of Dinah's head and wiggled it, playfully jerking the girl's head around. "What do you think, Dinah?" she asked. "If you were at Lakeview House and someone were interested in you, how would you react?"

Dinah considered this, finally looking up at Normani, then at Camila. "I wouldn't want to be there, Ma'am," she replied. "But if the person were you, or you, Ma'am," she added, glancing back at Camila, "I think I would be okay. I think I'd realize that you weren't there to hurt me."

"See?" Camila said. "Dinah's a smart girl, she gets it."

"She also knows us," Normani pointed out. "Lauren Jauregui has no idea what or who you are. She doesn't know what your angle is. For all she knows, you could be just like Brad Sim-" Hearing Camila's growl of indignation, Normani held up her hand.

"For all she knows," she repeated gently, "You could be just like Brad Simpson. And she's not talking, Camila. What do you think you're going to do, go in there and dominate her into speech?"

"Of course not."

Normani rested the ankle of her right foot on the ankle of her left, her blue jeans shifting with the gesture, and ran a hand through her dark hair. "We don't know if the damage done to her is permanent, Mila. But we know that if everyone that comes into contact with her isn't extremely careful, they could make the damage permanent. You want her to talk again, fine. You want her to walk again, even better. You want her to be whole? You do it on her time, not yours."

"Normani, I didn't come here for a lecture on-"

"Whose needs come first?"

Camila rolled her eyes so hard this time, it hurt. It was just like being back at Miami Academy. But she answered anyway, since Dinah was watching her intently.

"The submissive's," she answered, and she meant it. She'd known far too many Dominants who had their own best interests at heart and never once thought about the feelings of the person they had under their control. Clearly Brad Simpson had been one of them. "Everything we do, every action we take, should be for the safety and well-being of the person we're charged with. They're gifts, not playthings to be used at our leisure and then tossed aside when we think they've outgrown their usefulness."

Normani blinked, surprised. "Wow."

Camila grinned. "Why so shocked, Mani?"

She shrugged, saying, "It's not often you find a Dominant so willing to talk about the submissive's feelings. They sure do love talking about their own, though."

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