Chapter Fourteen

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There were numbers for everything and everyone that Lauren Jauregui could possibly need, including three theaters, on her new phone.

There was also Candy Crush, which she was perfectly willing to blame for the fact that it took her an hour and a half to text Camila back after her "Good morning :)" message. It felt a little strange, when she realized it, that she didn't feel panicked as she normally did when she took so long to do something. But that was probably because when she texted back a hello and an apology (blaming the game) for being delayed, all she got back was another smiley, and a cheerful "Hope you're having fun!" What little uncertainty Lauren had had vanished with that response, replaced with a warm feeling that maybe, just maybe, sometimes it was okay to do things on her own time.

But now, the game aside, Lauren sat staring at her contacts list, or, more importantly, at those three theater numbers. Her thumb settled over one, labeled Miami Playhouse, and she pressed it, then the call button.

Two rings, then, "Miami Playhouse?"

Lauren hung up.

She tried the next number. And hung up as soon as they answered.

Lauren sighed and got up from the couch in Emily's living room, where she'd been lounging around, and began to pace the floor. Miss Camila had done so much for her, Lauren thought. She wanted to do something in return, and not only that but she wanted to see her again. It had been two days since she'd seen Miss Camila. She'd told Lauren she had to do some traveling for SETS, a seminar she needed to attend. And though Lauren knew Miss Camila had a job to do, it didn't stop her from feeling loss in her absence. Lauren had spent the time watching television and going to her therapies at the House. She'd talk to Emily in the evenings when they had dinner, but as much as they shared in common, it still wasn't the same as being with Miss Camila. Lauren had yet to venture back out into town, even though Emily had let it slip that they were running low on food supplies. That had made Lauren feel guilty, even as Emily had hastened to explain that she was just trying to help Lauren go out, not that she blamed her for anything.

The one bright spot had been last night's phone call before bed; Camila had called her to let her know she'd be home the following day, finally. Lauren had lain in her bed with the cell phone pressed to her ear, smiling at Camila's quiet questions. Had she been taking care of herself? Had she been eating enough? Was Emily being good to her? Did she talk anymore to Dinah? And then her gentle laughter when Lauren had turned the questions back on her. Both of them had reassured the other that yes, they were taking care of themselves... and yes, they missed each other.

So Lauren wanted to do something when Camila came back the next day, to show her that she had missed her, and that she was glad she'd come home. And she knew Camila loved the theater, so...

It was time for her to plan a date. But there would be no planning, and no date, if Lauren couldn't even talk to a stranger on the other end of the line.

She stared once more at the phone, before selecting a number, and dialing.

"Hey, Lo, what's up?" There was some shuffling, then Ask her if she's okay in the background, and Lauren smiled. "You okay?"

"I'm all right, but I do need your help."

"Ooh, if it's help you need, I'm your girl. Toilet stopped up? Creepy attic needing exploring? Any assholes from a former life that maybe need tracking down and—"

"Dinah Hansen-Hamilton."

That was Normani, and Lauren giggled.

"Sorry, Ma'am. Really though, Lauren, what's up?"

"I need to know about theaters in Miami."

"... Ma'am? I think you better take this one." She could hear Normani chuckling, then a sound as if Dinah's phone was put on speaker. "I don't know anything about the theaters except Ma'am and I went with Camila a couple times, like I told you. I never pay attention to what's showing; I just know that we have to get front row seats because Camila gets cranky if someone tall sits in front of her."

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