Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Jasper was staying with Normani and Dinah for the night.

She was glad they weren't going to a hotel. Lauren hadn't asked for them not to, and truthfully she'd thought they'd go to LA. But Miss Ca – Mistress had smiled and kissed her cheek and said, quietly, "We'll stay home."


As the car wound its way through the darkened streets towards the house, Lauren found herself smiling, her forehead pressed to the cool glass. She had a Mistress. She had a Mistress, and that Mistress was Camila. The collar was heavy around her neck, and Lauren kept reaching her hand up to play with the lock, the lock that bound her. She hadn't had anything around her neck since... but this time was different. This time, the weight didn't feel deadening, this time she didn't feel as if there was an albatross dragging her down until drowning was inevitable.  It was strange, Lauren thought, but this time, the collar felt... freeing. Freeing because it hadn't been one person locking the collar, but herself and Mistress, together, sealing the bond and promising that there would never be a time when one of them wouldn't be cared for.

Already, things were different.

Mistress came around to Lauren's side of the car and opened the door for her; Lauren took her hand and allowed herself to be led up the stairs and into the house.

It was the same as it had been that morning; there was a magazine tossed on the couch and one of Jasper's bones still lay on the floor. The lights were off, except for the kitchen, and a lamp in Mistress's bedroom. There was an eerie quiet and Lauren shivered in spite of herself and was immediately wrapped up in a hug.

"Are you all right?"

"Nervous, Mistress," she answered honestly, and Mistress kissed her.

"I know, little one. It's all right, I'm here."

Mistress's hand was strong and steady on Lauren's cheek, and Lauren smiled. "I know, Mistress, thank you."

"I love you." Mistress kissed her again then stood back, and Lauren felt every muscle in her body become alight at the expression on her face.

"I want you to kneel here," Mistress said quietly, "And wait for me while I get things ready. I won't be long, and I'll be just right down the hall."

"Yes, Mistress." Lauren retrieved a pillow and knelt immediately.

She took deep breaths to calm herself, concentrating on the sounds of Mistress moving in the other room, of shuffling, of what sounded like ice clinking in glasses. What would happen? Lauren wondered. Would it be soft and gentle, or... She pushed the thought out of her mind. She trusted Mistress.

She trusted her.

"Come here." Mistress came back into the room and sat onto the couch, pulling Lauren up alongside her with a smile. They were still in their dresses, but Lauren figured Mistress didn't care if they got wrinkled as she wrapped her arms around Lauren's waist and held the girl against her chest.

Mistress brushed a feather-light kiss to Lauren's ear, speaking gently. "Just relax, baby." Lauren nodded and closed her eyes, focusing on Mistress's strong arms around her, in the tender way she addressed her.

"I know you're nervous. I'm nervous too." Lauren lifted Mistress's hands in hers and kissed each of them in turn. "But we're going to be all right. I love you, so much."

"I love you too," Lauren breathed, tilting her head with a sigh as Mistress's lips found their way to her neck. She shivered, her eyes opening when she felt Mistress draw back.

"We don't have to, you know," Mistress said. "If you're not ready, that's all right. I can wait until you're ready, Lauren."

Lauren smiled and twisted in Mistress's arms until she was facing her, and kissed her. "I'm ready," she said quietly. "I know I'm nervous, but that doesn't mean that I don't want this. Or you. I need for you to claim me tonight, to make me yours."

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