Chapter Seventeen

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"Camila, is that a banana in your hand or are you just happy to see me?"

"... no?"

"I'm not eating bananas with you."

"I brought coffee?"

Spencer sighed heavily and stepped aside to let Camila pass through the front door. "I regret ever telling you that coffee is my weakness," she pointed out. She closed the door and turned to Camila with a searching look. "And I imagine you're here to talk to me about yours."

"Am I that transparent?" Camila asked, sitting both the fruit and the coffee on the table. She sighed and sat down on the couch, then glanced up at the ceiling. "You don't, er, have anyone tied up at the moment, do you?"

"No," Spencer smirked. "He's gone to the pharmacy."

"Oh," Camila said as her friend sat next to her and crossed her legs. "I hope everything's all right?"

"Everything's just fine," Spencer said, and her smirk widened into a full-blown smile. "He's gone for a pregnancy test."

"Spencer!" Camila gasped, launching herself at the woman and pulling her into a hug. "Spencer, that's amazing!"

Spencer returned the hug, laughing. "We don't know for sure yet, of course," she cautioned. "But we've been trying for a little while and I'm late, so..."

"This is the real deal, huh?" Camila said, pulling away and smiling with a wistful look. She'd known it was real when Spencer had told her of her claim, but a baby... She couldn't help but wonder what if-

"Camila?" Spencer placed her hand on Camila's knee, rubbing gently. Her voice was full of concern as she asked, "You're not... jealous, are you?"

"What? No!" Camila said, shaking her head vigorously. She willed her smile to be a little less sad, realizing that Spencer had completely misunderstood the emotion behind it. "You know I love you, Spencer, but you also know I stopped caring for you like that a long time ago."

She hadn't expected for their relationship to deepen the way it did. She was young and Spencer was more experienced, both in their lifestyle and in life. Most people didn't start relationships after their training was complete, but after Camila had spent her week on her knees learning from Spencer, things had changed once she'd gotten back on her feet.

So it wasn't any wonder Spencer was concerned about residual feelings. Camila knew her feelings for the woman to whom she'd given her virginity wouldn't just fade away, but she also knew that they could change. And, "It's not really you I was thinking of," Camila confessed, "It's Lauren."

"Lauren?" Spencer said, seeming relieved.

"Just imagining what it would be like to know she was going out to buy a pregnancy test. For herself, or me." Camila shrugged. "I guess I'm pretty transparent."

"And a bit jumping the gun," Spencer said matter-of-factly. "I'm not sure either of you are ready for that leap yet.."

"I guess not," Camila muttered half to herself, and then sighed again. "I do wanna talk to you about something."

"What about?" Spencer said, getting up to pour herself and Camila a drink and to pass her one of the bananas she'd brought.

"All of the reasons why I can't give Lauren what she wants and dominate her."

Spencer's gaped at Camila. "She asked you to dominate her?"


"And I'm correct in assuming that you said no?"

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