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Good to hear you and the loud one (I'm kidding don't kill me) are settled in. Ma'am says she "finds the pictures acceptable, but please tell Camila we need to talk about the color scheme in the living room." (Actually had to give her the laptop.)

Back to me now. Toby's good, him and Spencer are just spending their time spoiling the monkey face. I finally have babysitting privileges, and Ma'am and I got some brochures from an adoption agency yesterday; we're going to see about maybe a kid of our own.

Don't worry about Mila finding a gig. Ma'am says it's a tough business but if anybody can break into it Camila can. Oh, thought you'd like to know that Cowell got arrested for taking bribes from Crawford-Anderson. So now all his cases are being reviewed. Dunno what that means for yours, but Ma'am says not to worry, she'll let you know. And Toby and Sarah are on top of it too.

I gotta go cause it's roleplaying night with Ma'am, but I'll write again soon.

Miss you, Lo. Love ya.


Lauren closed her laptop with a smile; she'd answer Dinah later. She sipped the last of her tea and glanced out of the shop, seeing the sun beginning to slip down. It had been a good day, her first at the bookstore. Her boss was nice, a sweet little submissive who was pleased that Lauren knew so much about art, and Lauren got a 20% discount on books. Mistress was limiting her to two books a month though – "Just for now," she had said – because they were just starting out and she knew Lauren would buy out the store if she could.

Today was also Mistress's meeting with an agent. She knew Mistress was in a hurry to make a break in the business, because she wanted success for herself and Lauren, and to get them both out of the small apartment in a moderately good but still not the best neighborhood. But it would come in time, Lauren had reassured her, and after all, they'd only been in LA a month.

She was on her way, and so was Mistress.

And the apartment might be small, but it was theirs. It was on the 4th floor but thankfully there was an elevator, and Mistress had been glad that there was a doorman for a little added sense of security. They had decorated it together, though apparently Normani didn't agree with the shade of green they'd chosen for the living room. Lauren could only imagine what Mistress would say to that, and she laughed softly.

As if on cue, she felt someone slip in next to her and clear their throat expectantly, and that's when Lauren realized.

The sun was going down.


"I was supposed to be home an hour ago."

"Yeah, you were," Mistress said softly, but she wasn't angry, and she rested her head on Lauren's shoulder. This was Lauren's favorite shop besides the bookstore, and Mistress knew that if Lauren wasn't to be found, she'd usually be here, just two blocks from their apartment.

"I'm sorry, Mistress." Lauren tilted her face to kiss her forehead.

"Mmhm," Mistress hummed. "When we get back to the apartment, for an hour you'll spend 3 minutes of every 10 in the corner. Maybe that will help you remember the importance of time."

"Yes, Mistress,' Lauren answered, and smiled as she began running her fingers through Lauren's hair that had been a lighter shade of brown several days prior.

"Are you sure you like it?"

"I told you I did," Mistress said, toying with the recently dyed locks. Black again. "It's a good look for you. And very, very hot."

"Mm, good to know," Lauren said, kissing her. "I think I'll always keep it this way, then."

"Let's get home now," Mistress said. "Jasper missed you."

"Just Jasper?" Lauren teased, standing up and shouldering her bag as Mistress circled her hand around her wrist, holding her protectively.

"No, not just Jasper, you little brat," Mistress said with a roll of her eyes. "I missed you too. And I was worried. I thought you'd forgotten your way home."

Lauren shook her head and stopped in the middle of a busy LA evening to hug her Mistress, and kiss her with as much love as she possibly could.

"I could never forget my way to you."

A/N: Thanks for reading and commenting. Hopefully school won't be too crazy and I can come back with another story. Hope y'all have a great day :)

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