Chapter Twenty-Six

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They filed into the courtroom one by one, a nervous band of shaking hands and uncertain faces. Camila wanted, once again, to sit with Lauren, but she had to satisfy herself with a kiss, and tucking a loose strand of hair behind Lauren's ear, before Spencer ushered Camila off to sit in their previous seats.

It had been hell, sitting through Lauren's testimony, especially knowing that Cowell probably was turning a deaf ear to everything the young woman was saying. Camila didn't know how that was exactly possible; there was nothing in what Lauren told that should lead anyone to believe she'd had a happy life with Brad Simpson. Camila had wanted to run up to the table and take Lauren in her arms, telling her that everything would be okay. And she wanted to punch James Crawford.

"I don't know what I'm going to do," Camila muttered to her.

Spencer slipped an arm around Camila and squeezed her close. "Breathe," she whispered. "You need to be strong for her, because if you're not, who else is going to be?"

"I have to think about myself too, you know," Camila said with a sigh. The talk she'd have to have with her bosses was looming ever-present in her mind, even as she tried to shove it away and concentrate on Lauren.

Not like my Miss Camila.

They were words that simultaneously thrilled her, and damned her. Camila knew that morally and legally she hadn't done anything wrong; her bosses couldn't keep her away from Lauren. But ethically... ethically she'd broken every rule in the book. Don't get involved with a client. Don't give a client preferential treatment. Don't fall in love with a client.

Normani's knowing face had told Camila that she knew what was in store for her, and Camila couldn't help but absurdly wonder if she'd called her bosses to be there. There wasn't any reason for them to be there, they usually never expressed interest in court cases involving clients.

"She wouldn't do that," Spencer said when Camila voiced her fears. "I think Normani learned her lesson about not being upfront with you."

"And I'm not telling you to not care for yourself," Spencer added. "You ought to know me better than that. Your first priority is to yourself. But don't get so lost in it that you forget Lauren, too."

"And you know me—" Camila trailed off as the door opened and she and the others stood up as Judge Cowell entered.

"Be seated," he said. "Mr. Simpson, remain standing, please."

His smile to Brad filled Camila with dread as she sat down and Spencer took her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Camila looked at Lauren, who sat there stone-faced, as if she knew what was to come, and was steeling herself for the inevitability.

"I'm going to get right to the point," Judge Cowell said smoothly. "Mr. Simpson, I find you not guilty of the charge of neglect."

Camila growled low in her throat and Spencer's hand tightened around hers.

"I find that you provided Lauren with food, shelter, and the discipline that should be given to a submissive. Since you did not have a contract outlining rules and the consequences for breaking those rules, as well as the establishment of a safe word, it is the judgment of this court that you cannot be held responsible for going beyond acceptable punishment."

James Crawford-Anderson looked startled at Judge Cowell's words, a fact that gave Camila no small amount of satisfaction. The man's own lawyer hadn't even believed in him. Normani glanced over at Camila, a combined expression of regret and triumph on her face. Camila knew she'd want to start phase two of bringing down Cowell as soon as possible, but Camila felt tired, so impossibly tired.

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