Chapter 18: "Paths and Trees"

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The next day was definitely better for Ruby. She had food to start with, and water, and a little boost of confidence that made her feel like she could get out of this mess soon.
It was time to get back to the village. She was sure of it.

Ruby took all the food in her arms and wrapped it in the bottom of her shirt. Then, closing her eyes and calming herself, she began to walk.


Carson had been tracking Ruby for a whole night now. He had refused to sleep until he found her. I mean, nothing new, right? Back in the dome he had spent whole nights up looking for information with his papers and pencils. So it wasn't that bad.

As soon as Ruby had escaped the other night Carson had ran behind her, trying to catch her before she did any damage. But it was too late. Ruby was five times faster than Carson, and as much as he tried he could not catch up to her. So when they had gone deep into the forest, and Ruby disappeared behind a tree, Carson had no choice but to return home. He had failed. Badly.
After getting back to the village, Carson ran straight down to Ber's training room so that he could get something to track Ruby with. He knew Ruby always left her training uniform in the training room. So he took it, and was ready to find her.

The woods were scarier than ever before. Perhaps it was the weather, being so sharply cold, and making Carson's nose feel like falling off.
However... all his life Carson had been jumping around from branch to branch, chatting with the rogues and creeping outside the village to get one glimpse at the mysterious woods. Then he had moved into them, hiding under a tree stump.
And now, somehow, the woods seemed emptier. Colder. Scarier. Unknown. Like there was something missing. Like something had been taken from it. And Carson didn't like it.

He had been tracking Ruby for too long. His eyes were closing now... barely managing to keep themselves open... feeling as heavy as two big rocks...

No. He had to keep going. Carson kept his chin up and began to accelerate his pace.


Ruby was walking through the cold woods. How she wished she had also taken a coat from that restaurant! The air had thickened with fog the further she walked, and the trees seemed to be turning grayer with every step.
The cold was getting to her, making her shiver and warm up her arms, which were covered in goosebumps.
She wished she had someone beside her to hug. She wished she had someone to talk to. She wished she had someone.

That's when Ruby heard some leaves cracking ahead. Oh no. It could be anything. A bear... a fox... a rogue...

But what Ruby saw was something she would have never imagined.
Wavy brown hair. Brown eyes. Warm smile. Cold skin. Able to make anyone smile.

"CARSON!" She shouted, so loud it could make anyone's ears explode.
"CARSON!" She shouted again.
His face when he saw her... a mix of relief and unimaginable happiness. Impossible to put in words, but describable enough.
Ruby ran through the trees and leaves, her feet tripping with roots but not caring. Both of them hopped into one another and wrapped their arms around each other, grasping their shirts and feeling so happy to see again that familiar face they thought they lost.
"Carson!" Ruby was sobbing into his shoulder.
"I thought you were probably dead... or worse." Carson breathed out.
"I- I..." Ruby struggled to speak. "I'm sorry.  I was scared. You're here. How did you... how..."
"No... no..." sniffed Carson, "I'm sorry. I should've taken better care..."
"You didn't. I was tough... I was weak..."
"You're not weak."
"I am."
They hugged again. Well, they never stopped hugging. But they hugged tighter now.
"I care a lot about you." Said Carson, after a moment of silence.
"Me too." Whispered Ruby.
This time they let go.
"Ruby... I need to tell you that... you... well... you can't go back to the village." Muttered Carson.
"What!" Cried Ruby. "Why...?"
"They... well... let's just say you caused quite a lot of trouble." Carson shifted uncomfortably.
"Oh. I... understand." Ruby mumbled.
"I'm sorry."
"Yeah." Ruby took a pause, looking at the floor. "But Ber... Val.. your dad... I never got to say goodbye..."
"I will tell them for you."
Both of them sighed.
"Where will I stay?" Asked Ruby. She had leaned on a tree nearby.
"I know a place near your home. I'm sure that for the next full moon you will be in full control... somehow. I'll take care of you until you're ready."
"Fine." Said Ruby, holding her arm and walking away. "Let's go."

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