Chapter 19: "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"

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Ruby sat in silence. No, she was not going to say anything to Carson.

Had she regretted shouting at him? Yes.

Was she still mad? ...yes.

Would she forgive him? Maybe.

But that would take time. She would have to process everything first.

Ruby couldn't help but touching her scar. She was... a wolf. Since birth. That made her heart sink lower. Everyone had lied to her. Everyone.


What? Ruby snapped her head back. It was Carson's voice, definitely, but he had been silenced. Right in front of her were the rogues, who had woken up, holding a struggling Carson.

"Let him go!" Ruby shouted, ready to charge.

Yes, she was mad with Carson. But he was still her friend.

Carson's eyes screamed no, but Ruby wasn't leaving him behind with those monsters.

"RRAR!" Ruby jumped in top of the rogues, but just when she was in the air they pulled out their claws and struck her down.

"Rule number one," smirked Jenkins, "never repeat your fight moves. Thought they taught that back in the village."


"Sir, Pyrion is coming."

"I'm almost done. Give me some time."

Ruby walked through the warm hall. The voices came from the far end, with the wails of a baby towering over them. The tension in the air was soul-sucking. She didn't know where to go. Follow the voices, or get out of there?

With a quick thought she turned towards the voices and begun trotting towards them.

"Sir! They've broken in!"

"I said, give me time!"

The wails grew stronger. Ruby leaned against the wooden walls and saw how from the end door flames pored out. Suddenly the door leading to the corridor flung open, and troops of people dressed in black with gleaming yellow eyes came marching into the room.

"Get the man!" They said. "And the baby if it's too late!"

Without second thoughts Ruby jumped in to stop them– but they went right through her.

Was she dead?

They entered the burning room... Ruby followed right behind, and saw how people were jumping off the window... rogues ready to attack...


"AH!" Ruby woke up quickly. It was a dream. But she wished the dream had lasted longer. Looking around her, she was in a dark brown room... similar to the dream. Her hands, feet and body were tied to a pillar in the room, and she felt a bit of blood on her forehead.

Wait. Where was Carson? She frantically looked around the room for him. Not tied up with her, not on the floor, neither in front of her...

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