48: Daddy And Duckies

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Daddy (Jon)

I'm Watching My Baby Bug Playing With Rowdy And Her Duckies Her Pain Is Down Right Now. Her Therapy Has Slowed Down Due To Her Legs Swelling And Her Therapy Being To Intense So She's On Very Slow  Therapy In Her Room With The Help Of Rowdy They Are Training Him To Help Her Walk Again.

Baby bug "Owdy Alk  E To Daddy"

She Stands Up Slowly And Falls Back Down.

Me "Try Again Baby Bug You Can Do It"

I Watch Her Stand Up Slowly And Holds On To Rowdy He Walks Slowly At At Her Pace.

I Bend Down For Her To Walk To Me.

She Grabs My Hand And I Catch Her Before She Falls She Grips My Neck.

Me "It's Okay Baby Bug I Got You You Did Good About We Go For A Stroll In The Park Across The Way From Here."

Dr Brie "Hey Baby Bug Can I Check Your Legs Before With Daddy"

Baby bug "Wes Rie I Ant Ome Ore Duckies Or Bath Time"

Brie "I'll See What I Get Do About That Cutie"

Me "How's The Swollen"

Brie "Her Tendons Are Tight So She Will Need Her Pain Shots Tonight. Her Speech Is Improving Just Got To The Walking Down So What Esle Does She Want Besides More Rubber Duckies"

Me "Rowdy Watch Baby bug I'll Be Right Back"

Me "Thank You Brie We'll Be Back"

Brie "No Problem"

We Came Back To Presents For My Baby Bug.

Me "Open Them Baby Bug

Baby Bug "Daddy Baby Annabelle"

Me "Awe Open That One Baby Bug"

Baby bug "Duckies Daddy"

And Finally

Me "Your Princess. Couch"


Aj "Shot Time"

Me "You Ready"

She Nods

Aj 5 In Total"

Baby bug " I Eady"

Me "Keep Looking At Daddy Your Doing So Good"

Aj "Alright All Done The Last One Will Make Her Sleepy So Start Rocking Her Daddy"

Me "I Will"

Baby bug "Daddy Uddles Pwease,"

Me "Of Course Baby Bug"

She's Asleep In My Arms 30 Minutes Later I Laid In Her Bed With Her Baby Annabelle Under Her Arm And Rowdy On The End Of Her Bed"

Me "Night My Babies"

Phone Call

Roman "Hey Bro What's Up"

Me "I Need Your Help Roman"

Roman "Name It"

Me "Help Me Get My Baby Bug Home She's Miserable Here See If We Can Get Her Rehab Done At Home"

Roman "I'll See What I Can Do"

Me "Thank You"

Me "Nikki Can I Talk You For A Second,"

Nikki "Sure"

Me "Is There Anyway My Baby Bug Can Do Her Rehab From Home It's Just Too Much For Her Here"

Nikki "I'll See What I Can Do Now Go Back To Your Baby"

Me "Thank You So Much"

Hopefully I Can Get My Baby Bug Home ❤❤❤

Enjoy Loves

Daddy's Baby Bug (Dean Ambrose) Where stories live. Discover now