72: No Milk For Baby Bug (2)

376 12 1

Daddy Jon

Baby Bug "Daddy"

I Wake Up The Next Morning With My Baby Poking My Face.

Me "Morning Precious Let's Get You Ready For The Clinic Baby Then Maybe After Your Chemo Session We Can Go To The Toy Store"

Baby Bug "Yay"

Me "Orange Juice Or Grape Juice Lady Bug"

Baby Bug "Gape Daddy"

Me "Alright Precious Let's Go"

At The Clinic

Nurse Clara "Here Comes Your Needle Lady Bug"

Baby Bug "Daddy Old E"

Me "I Got You Precious"

Clara "Alright Precious Your Medicine Started Let's Get You Favorite Movie"

Baby Bug "Daddy"

Me "Yes Precious"

Baby Bug "Rap N Y Blankie Pwease"

Me "I Got You Precious"

Baby Bug "Y Daddy"

Me "My Baby"

She Falls Asleep On My Chest As Her Chemo Session Continues.


It Gets Rougher For Baby Bug And Daddy. ❤

Daddy's Baby Bug (Dean Ambrose) Where stories live. Discover now