49: Baby Bug's Shoes

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A Week Later

Daddy (Jon)

My Baby Bug Is Home Doing Her Therapy Speech Lessons And Walking With My Help And Rowdy's Help She Still Needs Her Pain Shot At Bedtime I Give Them To Her In Her Tummy Now She's Doing Really Good.

Jojo "Hi Baby Bug"

Baby Bug "Hi Jojo Hug"

Her Therapist Is Dolph Ziggler

Her Speech Therapist Is Becky Lynch


Her Home In Specialist Is
Nikki And Brie

Me "Baby Bug"

Baby Bug "Wes Daddy"

Me "Can You Walk To Jojo"

She Gets Up With Rowdy's Help He Has A Special Vest On For Her To Hold On To.

Me "Hold Your Hands Jojo"

Jojo "Come On Baby Bug"

Baby Bug "Owdy Ake To Jojo"

He Slowly Walks Her To Jojo.

Roman "Who Comes Today"

Me "Nikki And Brie She's Getting Her Special Shoes Today"

Nikki "Where's Baby bug"

Me "Living Room With Jojo"

Nikki "Hi Baby Bug"

Baby bug "Hi Coco (She Calls Nikki Coco.

Brie "You Ready For Your Special Shoes Baby bug,"

She Nods

Nikki "These Are Therapy And Orthopedic They Will Help Walk Better You To Try Them Out Baby Bug"

She Nods

Brie "Who Do You Want To Walk To"

Baby Bug "Daddy"

Nikki "Alright Rowdy Follow Baby bug Incase She Falls"

Brie "You Ready One Step At Time"

Baby bug "I Eady"

Nikki "Go For It Baby bug"

She Steps Slowly With Rowdy Following Behind Her She Walks Right To Me"

Brie "You Did It Baby Bug"

Me "I'm So Proud Of You Baby Bug,"

Later That Night

Me Your Room Or Mine Baby Bug"

Baby bug "Yours Daddy"

I Carried Her To Her A Crib At The End My Bed.

Me "Night Baby bug Here's Your Bottle"

Baby bug "Night daddy"

She Fell Asleep In My Room And I Walk In Hers And Put Her Clean Stuff Mikey Baby Annabelle And Her Special Shoes On Her Dresser.

My Baby bug is getting there.

Enjoy Loves 💙💙😉

Daddy's Baby Bug (Dean Ambrose) Where stories live. Discover now