61: Doctors Doctors And More Doctors

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Daddy (Jon)

We've Been To 5 Doctors In The Last Two Weeks And Still No One Can Tell Me Why My Baby Is Still So Sick.

The Present Day

2:45 P.M.

Roman "What's Next"

Me "5 New Doctors Next Week"

Roman "No One Can Tell You Anything"

Me "Nope So We're Headed To Texas For More Doctors"

Baby bug "Daddy"

Me "Yes Precious"

Baby bug "Ice Lolly Pwease"

Me "Which Flavor Precious"

Baby bug"Gape Daddy"

Roman "How's Her Fevers"

Me "101 To 105"

Roman "Poor Baby"

Me "Here You Go Precious"

Baby bug "Yank U Daddy"

Roman "How's Rowdy"

Me "Still Follows Her Everywhere He Knows She Doesn't Feel Good"

Roman "Are You Going To Make It To The Rumble"

Me "Yes Her Next Dr Appt Are Till After That"


Later That Night

Baby Bug Is Running A Temp Of 103.2 And Daddy Is Beside Himself,

Phone Call

Me "Dr Clara I Need Your Help"

Dr Clara "What's Wrong"

Me "Baby Bug Has Been Running High Fevers, Throwing Up, And Such No Dr Can Tell Me What's Wrong,"

Dr Clara "I'm Going To Set You Up An Appt With The Specialist Ashley For Next Week In The Meantime Just Stick With Your Normal Routine"

Me "Thank You So Much"

Hopefully They Can Tell Me What's Wrong With My Baby.


A/N Thank You So Much For 2K I Love Writing This Story And All My Other Ones As Well.

My Amazing Follower And Reader derangedfringe-Will Join My Story In My Next Update Enjoy My

Daddy's Baby Bug (Dean Ambrose) Where stories live. Discover now