Chapter Two

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"Drink this." Said a lady in black.

"What's going to happen to me?" I asked, no longer confident of making it.

"You're going into a simulation to see where you most likely belong." She said. I drank up. My eyelids slowly dropped and I forgot about the wires attached to my head and the beeping of a monitor.

I'm standing on a bus.

I see a Candor man dressed in a suit reading a newspaper. He shows me a man's face on it.

"Do you know who this is?!" He asked frantically.

It looked like my dad in the picture at home. I wonder what is going on? What should I say?

"N-n-no sir." I said, trying to sound truthful.

"If you know him, it could save my life!" He yelled and dropped the newspaper.

"Sorry sir, I c-can't help you."

He got up and put his arm back. I held my arms up to block his punch. I'm dead. So dead.

I didn't feel a punch and removed my arms. I was in a room of white, or was it a room?

A little child stood at the back of it. There was a table with a gun and some bread. I studied the child from far away. She seemed starving, but I wasn't too sure. Gun or bread?

I picked up both and went towards her cautiously.

"Are you lost?" I asked her. She wouldn't show me her face.

"Are you okay?" I held out the bread, but held her at gunpoint.

Without turning around, she snatched the bread and ate it.

"Should I take you back home?" I cooed.

She turned around. She had black, eyeless pits, razor sharp claws. She opened her slit of a mouth and had dagger sharp teeth as if they were new. I screeched and ran the other direction. She ran after me. All of a sudden it turned to running down alleyways and streets. Yet she was still after me. I turned a building corner and pointed the gun at her. How do I shoot this??

I shook it and pushed a lever on it, hoping it would react. BANG!

It hit something. I peered around the building edge and saw a little girl lying dead. Looking as normal as ever.

"Oh my gosh." I said and went over to her. "What did I do?!"

I sat by her and folded her arms so, wether demon or girl, could rest in peace. As I sat there, the scene faded. I was now in my bedroom. My regular bedroom. Ordinary, everyday bedroom.

"It was all a dream!" I yelled happily. I hopped down the stairs. Then I realized. Everyone was lying on the floor. I bent down and tried to read a pulse on Miss Ryal. No pulse. I checked everyone else's. No pulse. I examined the bodies for any sign of wound, and first didn't see anything. Wait. There was a hole in their heads! Someone shot them. I stood up and looked around. The stairs closet started rattling. I stepped away.

Out came a tall, blank faced man. No mouth, ears, eyes, anything. He was pointing a gun right at my head.

"One." I heard in my head.

"Two." I got ready to fall backwards onto the floor, get up and steal the gun.

"Three." Help! BANG FWOOOSH!

It hit something, but I wasn't sure. My head started spinning and a sharp pain started in my shoulder. I didn't know what to do. I looked, the man was gone. I held my shoulder and crawled over to Miss Ryal. I wrapped my arms around her cold dead body. I sobbed. I was dying and there was nothing I could do. Nothing. My vision started to go black around the edges.

"At least I'll be with family."

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