Aj Mitchell; Cheating Prank

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A/N: This is my first ever imagine, hope you enjoy:) The reaction of the reader is a little different, thought I should switch it up, hope you like it!

Your POV;
Today was the day you have been waiting for, for the last month. You and Aj have been planning your visit to LA since the beginning of the month, you we're so excited to see him, you've missed him so much. Being able to see the rest of the Team 10 squad also got you pretty hyped up for the trip too. You have been packing and preparing for this trip for the last week and you will be on your way tomorrow morning. You decided that you should get a good rest before your tiring trip tomorrow. You got ready for bed and slowly began to fall asleep thinking of all the fun times you would experience on your visit to LA.

Aj's POV;
I am so hyped up for y/n's visit, but it's always nice to have a little fun. Back home in y/ht/n (your home town name) y/n and I would prank each other all the time. I know I'm going to be named "the worst boyfriend ever" for doing this, but when y/n arrives we're going to prank her. Here's my plan, when y/n arrives, she's going to be lead to my room inside the Team 10 house. When she walks in, she's going to see me and Tessa in bed, under the sheets, she will get the idea that I am cheating on her, and then we will record her reaction. All of the squad is in on the prank. Jake will pick her up from the airport, alongside Alissa, Alex will lead her to my room with her luggage's, Tessa will act with me, and Tristan, and the rest of the squad will help with filming. I know this is the worst way to welcome y/n to the house, but I think this will be great.

Your POV;
You woke up around 5:00am the next morning. Your plane will be boarding at around 7:00am. You did your usual morning routine, which consisted of taking a shower, blow drying your hair, picking out an outfit, and doing your makeup. You wanted to be comfortable on the plane ride, so you chose to wear grey sweatpants, and a black crop top. You put on some mascara, brought your luggages to your front porch and waited for the cab that was going to bring you to the airport. When you got to the airport you payed and thanked the cab driver. You dragged your luggage inside the airport, went through the usual security checks and then headed to the seating area to relax a bit before boarding your plane. "Flight 105 to LA, California is now boarding" said the intercom at the airport. You grabbed your carry-on, gave your ticket to the attendant and boarded the plane. You found your seat, put your carry-on in the compartment above your head, plugged in your headphones and started listening to music. You decided to text Aj to tell him that you just boarded and was on your way. You got really tired and slowly drifted to sleep.

"Excuse me passengers, our flight is now landing" said the intercom. You checked your phone, it was about  5:00pm, no message back from Aj, that's weird.

Aj's POV;
I got a text from y/n alerting me that she just boarded her plane and she was on her way here. I reminded Jake that he needed to pick her up at the airport and to tell her that I couldn't come because I was busy, that would get her a bit suspicious.


Your POV;
You walked off your plane into the LA airport. You brought your carry on to the conveyer belt to find your luggage. After you claimed your luggage, you went to find Aj in the pick up station, he told you he was going to come and get you. You were looking for him, but he was no where in sight, you searched a bit more and your eyes caught sight of Jake. You smiled and ran up to him, you gave him a big hug, Alissa was also there so you greeted her too, but you were still very confused. "Not to be impolite or anything, but where's Aj, he told me he would be here" you asked the two. "All he said was that he was busy and that we had to come and pick you up" Jake said. You were a little upset he couldn't make it, but it wasn't a big deal, maybe he was just getting something ready. Jake and Alissa helped load your luggage and carry-on into the van and then you guys started to drive to the Team 10 house.

Aj's POV;
Alissa texted me that she was on her way to the house with y/n. "Tessa they're almost here, guys get ready" I yelled to the house. Tessa and I jumped into my bed, I took of my shirt to make it look more believable and Tessa wore a low cut shirt to make it look like she wasn't wearing one. Alex waited on the couch in the living room and Tristan and the twins began to turn on all the hidden cameras. Now we wait for y/n to arrive, I am so nervous.

Your POV;
You were out of your mind excited to see Aj. You guys pulled up to the driveway of the house, you jumped out of the car and went inside the house. You dropped your luggage and was greeted by Alex jumping onto you. "Nice to see you too" you said while laughing. "I missed you so much y/n" Alex said. "I'm pretty sure Aj's in his room, let's go bring your luggages up there" he said. "Ahh finally, I've been waiting forever to see him" you said. "Okay then let's go" Alex said. He lead me upstairs, he showed me the door that lead to Aj's room. "I can take it from here" you told Alex. You left your luggages in the hall and opened the door towards Aj's room.

You couldn't believe your eyes, right in front of you was Aj and Tessa in bed, under the sheets, both half naked. You began to piece it all together, this is why he didn't answer your text, why Jake and Alissa came to pick you up from the airport, and why he wasn't there to greet you at the door of the house. While doing all of this, you didn't even notice you were full on crying, a whimper exited your mouth and that's what woke Aj and Tessa. "Aj, how could you?" you asked him. "y/n listen, I'm really sorr-" "there's no need to apologize" you said cutting him off. "if you love her, I'm fine with that, just take care of her and make sure you don't loose her, don't ever let go of someone that you really love" you said while hiccuping because of your horrendous sobbing. Aj had a very surprised look on his face, even though it was pretty hard to see through your tears.

Aj's POV;
I was speechless, did she really just say what I think she said? That was a very unexpected reaction. I couldn't handle seeing y/n crying, it hurt me so much that even I began to cry. Why did I decide to do this prank? She continued her speech. "Listen Aj, I really love you, but if she makes you happy, take care of her, I just want what's best for you and what makes you happy" she said while crying. I couldn't take it anymore, she cares about me to much, my emotions took over me and I just pulled her into a long hug, she sobbed into my chest, while my tears started to fall onto her shoulder.

Your POV;
"y/n I'm so sorry, it was just a prank, there are hidden cameras all over the house, Tessa is fully clothed and this whole thing was planned" Aj whispered in my ear. What? You honestly were not mad, you were just happy that this was all fake. "Oh my God, I can't believe you" you said while laugh-crying. "I'm so sorry y/n, so, so sorry" Aj told me. I pulled away from our long hug "please don't ever leave me" you told Aj. "I would never leave someone that loves me enough to let me go so I can be happy" Aj tells you. You look around the room, studying everyone's faces, they were all watching from outside the room, they were all crying, or at least tearing up. "That was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced" Jake said while everyone agreed with him. After everyone had calmed down, Aj brought you downstairs to close off his video. "I hope you guys enjoyed the video, again y/n I am really sorry for doing this to you, thank you to, Jake, Alissa, Alex, Tristan, the twins, and Tessa for helping me out with this prank, see you next time, byeee" Aj covered the camera with his hand and turned it off. We went up to his room and organized all of my belongings, we then hopped into his bed. You lay your head on his chest. "Babe, I love you so much" Aj said with a sleepy voice. "I love you too Aj" you said with a long yawn. Your eyes began to slowly close and you felt sleep taking over. "Goodnight my love" you said before falling into a deep sleep while listening to his slow heart beat, you were so thankful for this boy.

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