Jake Paul; Drowning

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A/N; sorry this one is a bit short. thank you so much for 70 reads, holy crap! hope you enjoy, and remember to leave requests for more imagines💗. Before you read, please do not take crap from anyone, you guys are all perfect the way you are, this is all just for this imagine:))

Your POV;
Have you ever felt so down? Like something has been weighing you down from living life? It feels as if you're drowning, and can't breathe or escape.

Your POV;
It got harder and more difficult each day. You always thought fans were suppose to be supporters. I mean, you always knew there would be haters, but not this many.

You and Jake have been dating for about 3 months. They have been the best three months of your life, you've met so many new people, tried so many new things, and overall just became a more outgoing and fun person. You loved Jake with all your heart and you knew that you two had something special. He's been the best boyfriend you could ever ask for...but the hate, it's just too much. Jake loved his fans from the bottom of his heart, I mean he wouldn't be where he was today without them. You haven't told Jake about all the hate yet, you were a bit scared for his reaction. Would he take your side or theirs? Would he think you were just being stupid?

You woke up in the morning, your head on Jake's chest, he was still sound asleep, snoring a bit, how cute. You went to his bathroom to get ready. Before getting ready, you sat on the unopened toilet cover and looked at your new and unread notifications.


"God, Jake deserves so much better"

"You're ugly"

"Still shipping #jalissa"


"@JakePaul date Alissa!"

"Leave Jake alone, he doesn't love you"

"@y/t/n wow you look gross in this photo"

"she's just in it for the money"

Your POV;
You felt hot tears falling down your cheeks onto your lap. This was just to hard, why didn't they like you? what did you need to change? did Jake really love you? we're you really all those things everyone was saying you were? You became 10x more insecure than you were, in just this last month. You went up to Jake's mirror and stared at yourself for a good minute. You slowly slid down the wall of the bathroom, pulled your knees to your head and started sobbing. A few minutes later, the bathroom door slowly crept open. You kept your head down in your knees, because you didn't want Jake to see you crying. After a few seconds, you look up and see Jake looking down at your Twitter page on your unlocked phone. He looks at you with tears in his eyes, and quickly hugs you. You began to sob harder into his chest. "y/n I'm so sorry, I had no idea" he said to you. "Jake it's okay, I'm fine" you told him. "y/n, don't lie to me, I know you're not". He was right, you really we're not okay, you were worse than bad right now, and really needed some support. You and Jake stayed in this position for about 10 more minutes, in a peaceful silence. After awhile Jake picked you up bridal style and brought you back into bed. He put you under the blanket, kissed your forehead, and sleep slowly took over.

You woke up about 2 hours later. Your Instagram and Twitter notifications were full of positive messages and apologies, although there we're still some haters, there were enough supporters to block them out. While scrolling through your mentions, you see one from Jake. "@JakePaul; guys, you know I love you a lot, but this has got to stop, nobody deserves this negative treatment. If you're a real supporter please be respectful of the people I love, because they help me as much as you guys. @y/t/n ly💙". The first smile you have flashed in awhile appeared on your face. Jake walks into his room with some ice cream and snacks. He jumps into bed with you and pecks your lips. "Jake, thank you" you said. "No problem babe, that's what I'm here for" he replied. You both began to eat the ice cream and snacks. "I love you Jake" you said. "Love you to y/n" he replied. You guys spent the rest of the day in bed, relaxing, eating, and just enjoying each others presence

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