Neels Visser; Intern

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A/N; Damn, two imagines in one day. I personally really like this one. Thank you so much to all the voters and readers💗 An Alissa imagine is coming next. Enjoy:)

Your POV;
Today was the day you have been dreaming of for the last week. Just a week ago, you handed in a resume to become a photographer for a huge New York modeling company, you thought they would never pick your resume out of the other 100, but they did and now you're getting ready for your first day on the job. Of course, before actually getting the job, you had to work as an intern, to learn and experience the job, you know?

You wanted to dress to impress, so you wore a white flowy top, black skinny jeans, and a black blazer. Your h/c hair was curled into beach waves, and you were wearing just enough jewelry and perfume. You took a look at yourself in the mirror, and damn, you were looking good. You made your way downstairs, grabbed a granola bar and your keys, and made your way to the car, you started to drive to the building where the photo shoots were taking place while eating your granola bar. God, you were super nervous.

Neels' POV;
Today I had to wake up extra early. I had to get to the studio to do a huge photo shoot. I love the job, but it can get very tiring. I put on some sweats and a muscle tank, the stylist would have me get ready at the studio. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, flossed and then changed into my outfit. After I was changed, I made my way to my car and began to drive to the studio.

Your POV;
You were finally at the studio. After hearing the GPS talking for half an hour straight, you were so happy to get out of that car. You were about two minutes early. You walked to the entrance of the building and made your way inside the studio. As soon as you walked in, your view was filled with people rushing around, beautiful models on set, and photographers taking pictures. You went to the receptionist desk. "Hi my name is y/n, and I'm here for the internship job" you told her. "oh yes y/n, come this way, your mentor is expecting you". The receptionist led you to a closed door. You opened it and were greeted by a smiling lady, she looked about 40 years old. She wore glasses, had her hair in a high bun and was sitting on her desk. "You must be y/n, my name's Caroline, it's so nice to finally meet you," she said. "Yes, I want to thank you so much for choosing me for this job, this is a dream come true," you said. "No need to thank me, thank your resume, it really had me amazed, your photography skills were high above the rest, and there was no doubt in my mind that you were the one," she told you. You were so shocked "Oh my gosh, thank you so much, Caroline, it means a lot to hear it from you," you told her. "No problem y/n, I'm just telling the truth," she told you with a smile. "Anyways, today you will be assisting me in the photography of our Vogue photo shoot, this is one of our biggest photoshoots, so they need only the best, can you handle it?" she asked. "yes mam" you replied. Caroline giggled "well let's get going to set," she said. You followed her out of the room and onto the set.

You and Caroline began to set up the equipment while you waited for the models to come. You were focusing the camera when Caroline interrupted you "the models are here, you need to introduce yourself" Caroline said. You looked up and we're faced with a beautiful girl. You reached out your hand for her to shake it "nice to meet you, my name is y/n, and I will be assisting in today's shoot". "Nice to meet you too, my names Hailey, I can already tell you will be good at this," she said. "thank you, I really appreciate it," you told her. You looked and bent down to fix a wire. On your way up from your knees, you were met with a hand out in front of you. You looked up and saw the most beautiful guy you have ever seen. He had a perfectly structured jaw and beautiful ocean blue eyes. You both stared at each other for awhile before your stares were interrupted by Caroline coughing. "Oh, h-hi, I'm Neels Visser a-and, I'm modeling in your shoot," he said, his voice was so soothing and calming, god he was hot. "Umm, my names y/n, and I'll be assisting Caroline in the shoot today," you said with a slight smile. "Well nice to meet you y/n," he said while kissing your hand. Blood rushed up to your cheeks and you were now blushing very hard, you both smiled at each other before parting ways to get back to work.

Neels POV;
I think I just witnessed the presence of an angel. Y/N, that's her name, she is so beautiful. I think I need to make a move on her after this shoot. Damn, I can't get her out of my mind.

Your POV;
The photo shoot went great, but you couldn't get your interaction with Neels out of your head. Did he like you? I mean he was stuttering when he was taking to you, did you make him nervous? Was he just an f boy that needed a new girl?. Your thoughts were interrupted by the flash of the camera. You took most of the pictures during the shoot, but Caroline decided to finish it off. When the shoot was over, you had to put away the equipment. While making your way to the equipment closet, someone pulled you to the side. You let out a loud gasp before you were face to face with the beautiful face of Neels. "I don't really know how to s-say this, but I think you're really pretty and I would really like to take you out after you're done here," he said very quickly, but slow enough for you to understand. You grabbed his hands and he blushed "I would love to" you replied. A smile crept up onto his face and he gave you a big hug, "thank you so much, I promise you won't regret it" he told you. "see you later?" he asked. "For sure" you replied with a giggle. You couldn't believe that just happened. You quickly put the equipment away and made your way to Caroline's office. You walked in and saw her on her computer. "y/n, you don't even understand how good these photos are, you're a real professional, I think it's time for me to give you the job" she told you. "No way!! thank you so much Caroline" you said while hugging her. "You deserve it," she said while laughing, "See you tomorrow for your first solo shoot?" she asked. "Of course, see you," you said with a big smile. You made your way out of her office and out to your car. You saw Neels exiting the building and you two instantly made eye contact. He walked up to you and told you where to meet him. You two brought separate cars, so you had to drive separately.

Your POV;
You finally made it to the restaurant. Neels guided you to the table, pulled out your chair and then pushed it in after you sat down. The whole night you two talked about your interests, how you started photography, and how you got the job. "I'm so glad you got the job, now I can see you at work every day," he said with a smirk. "Very true," you said with a giggle. You two talked the night away. After you two were done dinner, you exchanged numbers and he brought you out to your car. "y/n I had lots of fun tonight, and I would really like to do this all the time, s-so I was wondering..if y-you'd like to be my g-girlfriend?" he said nervously. "Neels, I would love to," you said while pulling him into a tight hug. "Really?? this is the best day ever" he said. "Thank you for tonight, I'll see you tomorrow?" you said. "Yup see you tomorrow," Neels said. He slowly leaned in and you two had a very passionate kiss. Butterflies invaded your stomach and like they say in movies, sparks flew. You knew he was the right one for you. Neels led you to the driver's side of your car and kissed your hand, you loved when he did that. "Drive safe babe," he said. "Goodnight Neels" you replied. "Night y/n," he said.

That one night, led to a long, loving and fun relationship. You guys loved each other a lot and were very happy. Who knew an internship would lead you to the perfect guy?

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