Emilio Martinez; Learning

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A/N; here is the long awaited and most requested...Emilio imagine! Hope I don't disappoint, ly guys. Enjoy💙

Your POV;
You and Emilio have been dating for quite a while now, about five months. When Emilio first moved into the Team 10 house it was love at first sight. You've had so many fun times with him, but the language barrier was progressing very slowly.

Since Emilio was originally from Spain and moved to LA just a few months ago, he still only knew a bit of English. You being the English speaking person you were, never understood any Spanish, making it pretty difficult to understand the twins sometimes. You considered taking some classes, but you really had no time. You didn't want to disappoint Emilio so you decided if you learned, he would too.

With all the time the twins have been spending with Jake, the words "Savage" and "Chill" were basically the only words in their vocabulary. It gets pretty frustrating sometimes, but you still love them to death.

Every day you try and teach him new words, with the hope he will eventually, in some time, be fluent in the language, but he never likes to listen and always gets distracted.

Your POV;
"This Emilio is a trampoline," you said pointing at one of Jake's
new trampolines.
"You have trampolines in Spain right?" you asked him.

"Uh, yeah, but I never tried one before," he said in a thick accent.

He jumped onto the trampoline before pulling you on. You began jumping together before getting tired and plopping down onto the tramp.

"That was fun," Emilio said out of breath.

"Yeah, very" you replied giggling.
"Why don't we go inside and get some water," you said.

Emilio nodded before getting up on his feet then pulling you up. He picked you up and put you over his shoulder before walking into the house.

"Emilio, what are you doing?" you asked still on his shoulder.

"Carrying you, cause I'm Savage," he said.

You began to laugh at his minimal vocabulary again.

"Babe, you really need to expand your vocabulary," you said.

"How?" he asked you.

You sat there thinking for a good while before an idea popped into your head.

"I have an idea," you told him.

You ran upstairs and grabbed your laptop. You ran back downstairs almost falling before making your way back to the kitchen where Emilio was.

"Okay we're going to play a little game," you told Emilio.

"What game?" he asked.

"I'm going to show you a picture of something. Every time you get the name of the object in English correct, you get a kiss, if not, no kiss" you said.
"Understand?" you asked him.

Emilio laughed and nodded.
"Okay," he said.

"It's on babe," he said.

You began to search something on Google to show Emilio.

The first object was a hair dryer. You turned the screen towards Emilio and he examined the picture.

"Ohh kiss time, that's a blow dryer babe," he said.

You gave him a quick peck.

"Okay, that was an easy one," you said.

You began to think of another object. A scooter! (Jake's vlog lool)

You searched up an image of a scooter and showed Emilio. He looked at the photo and was beyond confused.

"Oh common, I don't know that one," he said.

"Then no kiss haha," you said.

You were about to do the next object before Jake came walking in with his vlog camera.

"Look who it is, the two love birds of the Team 10 house," he said pointing the camera to the two of you.

"Haha, Team Jalissa for the win," you said to the camera.

"Good one y/n. Remember to buy Jalissa merch, the link is in the description box below" he said to the camera winking.
He pointed the camera back to the two of you

You laughed at his witty self-promotion.

"So what you guys up to?" he asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm trying to teach Emilio here some more English," you told Jake.

"And it's not fun," Emilio said.

You laughed.

"Whatever babe, I'm just trying to help," you said.

"Wow, girlfriend goals right here," Jake said.
"You keep learning kiddo, and you keep teaching" he continued pointing to both of you as he proceeded to walk away.

You both shared a small laugh before getting back to work.

The next hour was full of only 1 or two kisses because of the wrong answers Emilio was giving you. You still got to teach him new words though and he was getting a bit better.

Your POV;
"Common y/n, I'm not gonna get another one anytime soon," he said .

"Well that's not my fault, I'm just trying to help you learn," you said looking down.

When you looked back up, Emilio was staring contently at your lips and before you knew it his lips were on yours.

You smiled into the kiss. His lips were so plump and soft.

"Emilio, what are you doing?" you said into the kiss.

"Kissing you, duh," he said smiling.

He continued kissing you before breaking apart from the kiss out of breath.

"Why don't we take a break?" you asked.

Emilio picked you off of the chair you were sitting on and carried you bridal style up the staris. You guys went up to your room and cuddled. You felt so safe in his arms.

"Y/n?" he said

"Yeah" you replied

"I know that I don't know many English words, but I do know these three," he said softly.

"And what are those words?" you asked.

"I Love You," he said.

That was the first time he's ever pulled the Love card on you. You were taken back a bit by his words.

You turned around to face him on the bed.

"Really? you really think you can deal with my craziness, different language, mood swings and me in general?" you asked him giggling.

"Those are all the things I love about you," he said smiling and kissing your forehead.

"Well then... Te Amo" you said.

He began laughing at you

"See, I'm getting good too," you said dying of laughter.

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