Jake Paul; It's Everyday

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A/N; sorry it took so long to publish another imagine, so here it is:) Enjoy lovelies💙

Your POV;
It was a rainy day in LA. The whole house was calm, everyone was working and being productive. You didn't really have anything to do, though, so you just sat there watching everyone in the Team 10 office.

"Hey, guys? Anyone wanna do something with me?" you asked.

No answer.

"Well...okay then. I'm gonna go take a look outside" you said getting up from your chair.

You walked out of the office and to the closet near the front door. You grabbed an umbrella from the closet and closed it. You grabbed your jacket and boots. You put them on and opened the front door.
You walked outside and a small water droplet fell on your nose. You walked further out the door and looked up. The sky was clearing and the sun was beginning to come out again. The storm was done. You walked down to the curb and were splashed by a passing by car.

"You've got to be kidding me," you said to yourself.

You flipped off the driver and brushed the water off of your face. You looked down and saw a deep puddle flooding the road. The street was flooded with rainwater. You jumped into one of the puddles and made a huge splash. You ran inside and slipped on the tiled floor.

"Ouch," you said rubbing your head.

You took off your shoes and jacket then ran into the office.

Just like you left it. Jake was doing some business stuff with Kade. The Martinez twins were editing their new video. Tessa was doing her online schooling and Nick was watching some videos.


They all flinched, scared of your voice.

"What do you even want to do babe?" Jake asked.

"I don't know," you said shrugging.

"Wait you said it's flooding outside?" Kade asked you.

"Yeah, the whole road is just deep puddles, I got splashed by a car like 3 minutes ago," you said.

"Yo Jake we should do something for the vlog" Kade said.

"Oh my gosh that's so true," Jake said.

Jake looked down for a second and the room went quiet.

"So are we going to do anything?" you asked.

"Shh y/n, I'm thinking," Jake said.

"Okay, okay," you said.

It went silent for another 10 seconds before Jake spoke up.

"Yoooo, how about we go surfing on the street. Like we'll attach the thing used for water skiing onto the truck. then I'll grab the surfboard and you drive the truck while it pulls me through the water" he said.

"YOOOOO," Kade said excitedly.

"Yeah, that's savage," Emilio said.

"OH my God yeah!" you said.

"Okay guys let's set it up," Jake said.
"Thanks for the idea babe" he continued kissing your forehead then running out of the office.

Everybody ran out of the office and you sat there smiling to yourself.

"Come on y/n let's go," Ivan said.

"Okay, I'm coming," you said.

Jake went upstairs and grabbed his board while Kade and the twins attached the handle to the truck. You walked outside and waited for Jake to come outside. He had to intro his vlog.

After finishing setting up, Jake walked outside in a wetsuit.

"So this is today's setup, yoo I'm so excited," he said to the vlog camera.
"Jake Paulers let's goo," he said before turning off his camera.

Jake gave his camera to Ivan and got on the surfboard. He grabbed the handle while Kade started up the truck's engine.

"Ok start recording," Jake said.

Ivan turned the camera back on. Kade started to drive down the road with Jake surfing the flooded streets. It was so cool. Water was splashing everywhere. You and the twins were chasing them down the road. Cars were honking at you guys, but it didn't really matter.

"Wooohooo" Jake yelled while you all died of laughter.

Soon enough Jake fell off of the board and fell into the water. He grabbed the camera from Ivan thanking him for filming.

"Yo Jake Paulers, that was so much fun," he said to the camera.
"Who's next?" he asked you all.

"Me, me, me," you said jumping up and down.

"No, you're not going it's too dangerous," he said sternly.

"Come on Jake, please, I'll be careful I promise," you said giving him the puppy dog lips.

"Ugh, fine, only because I love you, but just remember I told you so," Jake said.

"Yesss, thank you so much," you said pecking his lips.

You grabbed onto the handle and jumped on the board. Jake turned the camera back on and began to film. You gave a thumbs up to Kade signaling him to start driving. The car started moving slowly.

"Kade drive faster" you yelled.

He began to speed up the car and soon enough you were gliding the water. The wind was rushing through your hair and you felt like you were flying. You inhaled the air around you. The board must've hit a shallow part of water because you flew off and hit your back on the curb landing into the puddle.

"Ow, stop the car. Ouch, someone help" you yelled crying not being able to move.

Jake threw his camera to Emilio and ran towards you. He picks you up bridal style and ran you back to the house.

"Y/n I knew it, I knew it, I shouldn't of let you do that," Jake said

"Jake it's okay don't worry," you said while caressing his face.

He smiled at you before gently placing you on the couch. The twins and Kade came running in.

"Can someone get an ice pack please?" Jake said.

"I'll get some dry clothes," Tessa said.

Jake got the ice and placed it on your back.

"Thank you," you said looking into his eyes.

"I really need to learn to resist your puppy dog face," he said

You both giggled.

"I got the clothes," Tessa said running down the stairs.

"Thank you," you said smiling at her.

Jake gently picked you up and brought you upstairs. You changed into the dry clothes and carefully lied down on his bed. You put the ice pack on you back and rested.

"I'm never letting you do anything like that again," Jake said smiling at you.

"Yeah, yeah, we'll see," you said.

"Wait," Jake said running out of the room.

You waited quietly until he came running back in with his vlog camera.

"Hey, Jake Paulers. Y/n here got really hurt earlier, so now she's gotta rest. I'm about to call it a day. Hope you guys enjoyed the sick surfing today. Remember to show some love and like and subscribe because..." he pointed the camera towards you.

"IT'S EVERYDAY BRUH," you said laughing.

Jake turned off the camera and pulled you onto his chest.

"Thanks for the beautiful outro," he said.

"No probs babe"

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