Jake Paul; Saved

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A/N; Shoutout to all my dedicated readers and voters, love you guys💗 Lucas imagine is next. Enjoy💓

Your POV;
You had just finished your day of shopping. You bought a few new tops, jeans, and some shoes. It was a treat for yourself, you deserved it. You have been working very hard at work and you needed a stress reliever. You lived in the city, meaning you usually walked to get from one place to another. It was about 7:00 pm when you decided to go and grab some food from McDonald's. You ordered your food and then went down to sit and eat.

It was 8:00 when you walked out of McDonald's. You had all your shopping bags in your hands and you began to walk your way back to your apartment. You were walking down the sidewalk when you passed a dimmed lighted alleyway.

"Hey princess" you heard a manly voice say with a whistle.

You began to walk faster, but you heard the loud footsteps of the man following you.

"What you got there little lady?" he asked.

"None of your business," you said while speed walking away.

"Don't run away?" he said while catching up to you.

He roughly turned you around to face him. The man was tall and muscular. He had jet black hair and many tattoos. The look of him frightened you even more.

"I see you got some new items here," he said while poking at your bags.

You yanked your bags away.

"Hey, I'm just taking a look," he said. "How about you give me some of those shoes," he said smirking.

"In your dreams," you said to the man spitting at him.

"I SAID GIVE ME THE SHOES" he yelled in your face.

You became very frightened, you started to shake.

"Hey princess, common," he said while roughly gripping your wrist.

"Ow," you yelped. "LET GO OF ME" you yelled.

You tried to release your hands from his grip, but he just gripped you harder. It was so painful. You began to cry as he gripped your wrist trying to pull you away. This couldn't be happening. Your wrists began to turn white as hot tears fell down your cheeks.

"HEY" you heard someone yell from behind you.

As you were turning around, a strong force made contact with your body. The man pushed you far down the alleyway. You banged your head on a hard dumpster as you slowly lost consciousness. The last thing you heard was fighting and yelling before you blacked out.

Jake's POV;
I was walking down the streets of Los Angeles trying to get some air. This YouTube thing was really stressing me out. There's so much pressure to vlog and post every day. It's just too much.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of loud sobs. I began to run towards the noise. I turned to look into an alleyway where only a street lamp was proving light to the area.

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