Kade Speiser; Shoot

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A/N; here's the Kade imagine you wanted @Abbieduffy123 :) Idk if Tristan and Kade will become a regular on my list yet, so these are just for experimenting. Enjoy💗

Your POV;
You were scrolling down your Instagram feed and noticed you haven't posted a picture in quite awhile.

You were a very popular Instagram model. Although some people may think it's a stupid job, you loved it. You liked to promote self-confidence for others on your Instagram. You liked to send the message that just because you weren't the skinniest or prettiest girl there was, you could still be a model. Many young girls looked up to you and you were very honored to have the job you do.

You decided to call up your manager and ask her to send in a photographer to help you take some pictures. You found her name in your contacts and dialed her number.

It ringed three times before she picked up the phone.

"Hello," she said.

"Hey Mandy, I think it's time for some new pics," you said.

"Yeah, I feel the same" she answered.

"Do you think you could call up someone to help me shoot?" you asked.

"Yeah sure, I'll get right on it. I'll text you where the photographer wants to meet you to take the pictures" she replied.

"Okay thanks so much, I'll show you the pictures as soon as they're taken. Bye" you said.

"Sounds good. Bye y/n," she said giggling.

You decided to get ready for the shoot. You picked out a few outfits. You decided on jean shorts and a cute crop top. You curled your hair into nice beach waves and brushed your teeth.

When you were finished you jumped onto your bed and began scrolling through your phone. You were interrupted by a text from Mandy.

M: Mandy
Y: You

M: I found a photographer! His name is Kade. He wants to meet you down at the beach near your apartment, he said it's a good place to shoot.

Y: Okay I'll meet him there asap. Thank you! Bye.

M: Bye, good luck. I can't wait to see the outcome.
Your POV;
You quickly grabbed all of your stuff and made your way down to your car. You put your key in the ignition and made your way down to the beach.

When you got there, you grabbed your bag out of your car and made your way down the shore line to find Kade. You began walking in the warm sand until you spotted somebody setting up a camera. Wow, he was really good looking. It was probably Kade, so you began making your way over to where he was. You quickly ran your way towards him almost tripping before getting there.

"Hi, umm, I'm y/n. Your Kade right?" you asked.

"Yeah, nice to meet you. I'm really excited to shoot with you today" he said smiling and sticking out his hand.

"Yeah I am too, thanks for helping me," you said shaking his hand.

"I'm happy to," he said.

Kade picked up his camera and finished setting it up.

"How about you stand right up there and do some poses," he said.

"Yeah sure" you replied.

You walked up closer to the water of the beach before beginning to do some different poses.

"Woah, that's beautiful," Kade said.

You continued to pose for the camera.

"Stunning," he said smiling.

After a few more pictures, he looked down at his camera and flipped through the photos.

"Wow," he whispered.
"How about we go to a different location?" he asked.

"Yeah sure," you said shyly.

You and Kade walked up to a tiny fishing deck on the beach. It was already pretty late, so the sun was already setting.

"How about you stand up there and I'll take some pictures of you with the sky, it looks beautiful right now." he said.

"Yeah sure," you said smiling.

You walked up onto the deck and started posing.

"Gorgeous," he said.

He took tons of photos before you got off the deck.

"These look so beautiful y/n," he said.

"Well good photos are always credited to a good photographer," you said smiling.

"Good one," he said laughing.

You and Kade stared at each other. You took the time to examine his features. He was really cute.

Your thoughts were interrupted by Kade speaking.

"So...um, maybe we can go the the cafe down the street and look at these photos?" he asked.

"Oh, ah yeah sure, let's go," you said.

The both of you began walking towards the cafe. You made small talk and learned a lot about each other. He was a really sweet and genuine guy.

"Here we are," Kade said as you approached the cafe.

Kade opened the door for you to walk through.

"Thank you," you said thanking him.

You walked in and found a table.

"I'll go order the coffee while you set up the pictures on your laptop," you said.

You walked up to the line and ordered the coffee. After it was finished you brought it back to the table where Kade was sitting.

"So here are the photos," he said showing you the screen of his laptop.

You began to look at the photos and were stunned at the great job of photography from Kade.

"Beautiful aren't they?" Kade asked.

You looked at him.

"Oh, uh sorry, I didn't mean it that way...unless you want it to," he said scratching the back of his neck.

Wow. Did he think you were cute?

"Okay listen, I think you're really pretty okay. I love what you stand for with your modeling career and I would really like to take you out sometime" he said quickly.

"No need to be nervous. I would really like to go out with you sometime Kade" you said.

"Saturday eight pm?" he asked.

"Of course" you replied giggling.

You both exchanged numbers.

"I'll text you the details," he said smiling.

"Okay, see you soon photographer, thanks for everything," you said smiling and walking away.

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