Emilio Martinez; Welcome

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A/N; Martinez imagine! For this imagine, Emilio's POV will be in English. Also, the twins will be a bit more fluent in English. Enjoy❤️

Your POV;
It was a regular day in the Team 10 house. You were downstairs eating cereal in the kitchen while scrolling through your Twitter feed.

"BOO" someone yelled loudly behind you.

"AGHHH" you yelled spilling the cereal on your spoon.

"Hahaha, we got her, Jake Pauler's, let's go," you noticed Jake saying from behind you.

You turned around and were faced with a vlogging Jake. He is so dedicated to his fans. Jake turned off his camera and went to grab some cereal. After, he sat down next to you.

"Thanks for that," you said.

"That was great," he said. "Anyways, we're getting some visitors today, they'll be staying for awhile" he continued.

"Who are they?" you asked very curiously.

"The Martinez Twins," Jake said.

"The Marti- who?" you asked.

"Really y/n you don't know who they are? here," he said while handing you his phone.

You began to scroll through his phone. Two twins were in your view. Their names were Ivan and Emilio. They were so identical, but so gorgeous, damn. They were one of the most attractive twins you've ever seen. One was a bit more of your type if that was possible, but jeez, Emilio was hot. How have you never heard of them?

"They're from Spain, so they only know a bit of English" Jake said.

"So, how old are they?" you asked.

"Seventeen, why? Oh wait, don't tell me-" Jake said.

"Okay, they're kind of cute, I mean look at them," you said cutting him off.

"Well they're coming soon, so you better get ready" Jake said while winking at you.

You took your empty bowl into the dishwasher and made your way upstairs. You connected your phone to your Bluetooth speaker and played music while getting ready. You took a shower and dried your hair. You plugged in your curling iron and waited for it to heat up. After it heated up you began to curl your hair into big waves. You then put on some mascara and chapstick. You put on some black tights, your tan Team 10 sweater, and your white Nike Air Max's then made your way downstairs. You sat on the living room couch and went on your phone. Jake came hopping down the stairs along with the others. You greeted everyone good morning and you all sat and waited for them to arrive.

"So, what do you think of our visitors?" Alissa asked you.

"I don't know, I mean they're like really attractive and my age, finally guys my age in the house," you told her.

You heard "OOOOHHHS" coming from all around the house as you blushed.

"Who do you thinks hotter?" Tessa asked.

"To be honest, Emilio is a bit more attractive, if that even makes sense," you said laughing.

"Ooh y/n get it girl" you heard Aj say.

You all began to die of laughter before the house's doorbell rang.

"THEY'RE HERE" Jake yelled.

You all ran and surrounded the entrance of the door. Jake opened the door and the twins walked in. They greeted Jake and faced everyone. While looking around at everyone, Emilio (you think) made eye contact with you for a good 10 seconds. You broke apart the awkward stare and the twins began to introduce themselves to everyone.

Emilio's POV;
That girl is so beautiful, I hope she likes me, I need to make a good impression. "You can do this Emilio," I thought to myself.

Your POV;
The other twin walked up to you and held out his hand for you to shake.

"Hey, my name's Ivan," he said in a Spanish accent.

"Hi, I'm y/n, nice to meet you," you said while smiling and shaking his hand.

He smiled at you then proceeded to the next person. You looked down, and you were met with black vans right in front of you. You look up, and we're met with a beautiful face...Emilio.

"H-hi, my names umm... Emi-Emilio" he said to you while looking down.

"Hi, I'm y/n," you said while smiling.

He slowly looked up and you were met with his beautiful blue-green eyes. You guys, once again, stared at each other straight in the eye for a good 15 seconds. When you guys broke the stare you both looked down then looked around. Everyone was staring at you two in awe.

"Already ship it," Jake said.

"Agreed," everyone said.

You and Emilio both smiled at each other and blushed.

"Here I'll show you around the house," you said.

You began to take Emilio around the house. You went around the whole house from the office to your room. You opened the door of your room and walked out to your balcony. Emilio followed you. The LA breeze blew in your face blowing your hair back.

Emilio's POV;
She looks so beautiful right now, damn I wish I could wake up to this every day. She's so sweet. "Make a move man" I thought to myself. It's time.

Your POV;
While looking out into the beautiful view of LA, you heard Emilio clear his throat. You turned to him and he awkwardly smiled.

"So what do you think of LA so far?" you asked.

"I love it here, but someone's making it 10 times better," Emilio said smiling.

Jealousy rushed through you, who was he talking about?

"Oh nice," you said awkwardly. "I think we she goes back down now," you said walking away quickly.

Emilio grabbed your wrist and turned you around.

"y/n it's you, I know we've only known each other for about an hour, but I feel a strong con-connection," he said.

You instantly felt yourself blushing.

"How about we take things slow? Let's go down to the beach tomorrow and talk?" you asked.

"That sounds great" he replied.

"Well then it's a date," you said with a smile.

You both made your way downstairs smiling. Everyone quickly looked at you.

"You together yet," Tessa asked.

"Woah, woah, woah....not yet," you said.

"That's what I thought," Alissa said.

Your POV;
The day with Emilio was amazing. You spent the day talking and hanging out on the shoreline. He was such a sweet human being. He asked you to be his girlfriend that day. You guys have been together for awhile now, loving each other with every piece of your hearts. Although it's a bit difficult, considering the language barrier and distance, true love always finds it's way. When you guys are together, you cherish every moment. The twins were asked to join Team 10, giving you a bit extra time to see Emilio. Everyone is very supportive of the relationship and is not annoyed by it at all. You couldn't ask for a better situation.

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