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Artists applying acrylic paint to an abstract object.

Brilliant bright light bouncing briskly over beautiful bays.

Colorful sun beams covering fields of carniations and clovers.

Devilish dark lips on dewy devine skin and deep eyes that look desperate.

Elegant eggshell colored end chair next to an ebony end table.

Friendly smiles and flirty eyes foreshadowing a future in front of a feverish fire.

Galavanting through groves of greenery that glittered where the sun gleamed.

Helplessly in a heavenly daze of extravagant hues in humid hot weather.

Icy and ignorant introductions transforming into intimate and illuminated farewells.

Jealousy joined by joyfullness.

Khaki colored couch where they shared a kiss.

Lemon lime flavored lips speaking liberated truths.

Moon beams mesmerizing them as they mumbled words to the midnight air.

Nonsense near noisy waves nipping the edge of land.

Open air, obsure amounts of October rain, and odd upbringings.

Passionatly playing piano keys while a perfect lavender sky faded to a pure plum pigment.

Quiet, quick, quizzical people.

Rasberry stained fingers decorated in rings, red lips, rose eyeshadow, rain.

Silky sheets smoothing over soft skin on a Sunday.

Time ticking slowly freezing a tremendously tantalizing yet tender moment.

Under a tree uncovering unique stories through the use of the unreal and the truth.

Vacations to old villages, victorian houses that are vacant, vast views, violets on vines.

Weekend wanderings walking down wide streets in a way that makes you feel like you weigh less.

Xylophone sounds that remind him of the color xanthous.

Young nights, yellow lights, yielding a feeling of calmness.

Zen minds that don't have zippy zigzag thoughts that make zero sense.

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