Teething and onesies

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Chap 9: Teething and onesies
(so one chapter I asked what spelling was correct for Yuri. And I got two different comments, one saying it was Yuuri and one saying it was Yuri. Originally I went by the spelling of Yuri, but when I look at some websites and on the sub they spelled it Yuri, So from now on it will be Yuri. Sorry for changing it up so much.)

Victor's POV

Taking care of children is hard. I never knew how hard it was for parents, but now I do.

Last night was supposed to be just a lazy night, you know? Brought Yuri back home from Pichit and Celestino's house, fed him, snuggled with him, and then calmly put him to bed. Nothing terrible right? Well, since Yuri had been sleeping almost all day, he wasn't tired. But I was. So for almost the whole night I had to try and entertain him while all I wanted to do was sleep.

When I finally got him to sleep for the night I went and sent a loving text to my mother saying how much I appreciated her because I didn't know I put her through this! As much as I love Yuri he's forgetting how I need my beauty sleep.

But the best part about it all was that I got to sleep in. Yuri for some reason managed to sleep long enough into the morning so that I could at least get my eight hours of sleep. So now that I was fully awake, with coffee in a mug and Yuri playing with some banana pudding I was contemplating what to do today.

I didn't have to coach today so I was free to chose whatever. I had a feeling Pichit and Celestino might ask to hang out, or maybe I might visit Yurio and Otabek and hang out for a bit. I didn't really know what I wanted to do, but all I was praying for was nice and calm day.

I didn't get it.

Only a few minutes after I thought that Yuri bit onto the spoon and started crying. I looked into his mouth and saw that some of his teeth were coming in and really hurting. I ended up spoon feeding him the rest of it so that he wouldn't hurt his teeth as much and then started to rock him back and forth so that he wasn't crying. It luckily worked, so I set him down on the couch and decided to search up what to do in these situations.

I ended up getting a bunch of medicine sites or any kind of website trying to sell me items, yet finally I found a website that gave me a fairly good idea on what to do. It told me that babies might drool, choke (because of drool),  get teething rashes, bite, cry, refuse to eat, wake up in the night, and might even pull their own ears or rub their own cheeks.

All of it was very stressful, but it luckily gave me some good methods to deal with it. Like teething toys or a toothbrush, cold drinks and food, comfort (that's my favorite one), and to avoid things like numbing agents.

So I did what the website said and snuggled up with Yuri on the couch. I held him in my arms and would occasionally kiss his head for even more comfort. It seemed to be working because his mind was off the pain of his gums. I smiled as I thought to myself, these are the reasons that my mom did it wasn't it? To be able to take care of someone you love so much, and to hold onto them as they fall asleep knowing they are safe. That's the feeling that makes these situations bearable.

I felt a buzz from my pocket and looked down to see that Yurio had texted me. I opened the text and saw that he had invited Yuri and I over to just hang out with him and Otabek. He also sent a pig emoji for some reason. Then in another text put, 'bring the pig onesie'. I sighed and shook my head, so this is what they want? Pichit will be mad knowing we did this without him but the situation is all too tempting. I texted back saying that I was in and picked Yuri up and brought him into the bedroom to change him. I put him in something really easy and grabbed the onesie then got changed myself. I put on a dark grey sweater and wore some light grey pants and grabbed my trench coat.

I picked up my keys from the nightstand and tucked them into my pocket before picking Yuri up along with the onesie and heading out the door. But before I could leave the apartment I stopped in the bathroom and grabbed a toothbrush for Yuri's teething and finally left the house.

Once we were in the car I put Yuri in a position in my arms so that I could hold him and drive at the same time and started the ignition. Once it was on, I started to make my way to Yurio and Otabek's house.

Yurio and Otabek had moved in with each other not to long ago and have been living in an apartment not to far from mine. I don't always go to there house since they don't always invite people over, but when I do I'm always greeted by their cats. Seriously they have three cats. One is Yurio's the other is Otabek's and the last one is one they share. There names are Vega (Yurio's), Angel (Otabek's), and Snowflake.

Don't get me wrong. Cat's are great, but Makkachin is better. I really wish he was with me right now but since the whole thing with Yuri I had the dogsitter take him in for the week. I hate to be away from my best buddy but it would be even more stressful to take care of Makkachin and Yuri.

Finally we arrived at the couple's apartment and knocked on the door. There was rustling on the other side and cats meowing before Otabek opened the door looking tired. "Hey" he said rubbing his eyes a bit. He was wearing a black tank top and grey sweatpants, and his cat Angel was perched on his shoulder. He moved from the door and signaled for me to come in, and once I stepped in I saw Yurio sighing on the couch with his hair in a messy bun, "sorry the cats kept us up all night" he said looking up at me. I laughed, "same thing happened to me but this guy's not a cat" I say pointing to Yuri in my arms. He smiled, "so what happened to make him stay up all night?" he asked pointing to the bubbly Yuri who was holding onto the toothbrush I gave him, "and what's with the toothbrush?" I sigh and set Yuri down. "He started teething this morning and he was up all night since he slept all day at Pichit's" I say dropping myself onto the couch. He nodded, "sorry to hear that" he said before Otabek joined us on the couch with coffee in his hand, "do you want any?" he asked looking at me. I nod, "yeah, this morning was a bit stressful" I say making him get up to go make me some. Yurio sighed and stretched his legs, "I'm tired from practice yesterday" he groaned. I laughed as his cat Vega did the same thing, "yeah but it'll help you win" I say looking down at Yuri, "I used the same tactics with him and you saw what happened" I rocked Yuri and gave him a loving, yet sad smile. Yurio nodded as he looked at Yuri, "yeah he ended up winning." he murmured staring at the boy.

I noticed that Yurio had been oddly staring at Yuri when an idea popped in my head. I waited until Otabek came back with the coffee and smirked, "I don't think I could hold Yuri and the coffee, Yurio could you hold Yuri for me?" I ask making his eyes widen. "R-really?" he says stuttering a bit. I nod and hold Yuri up to him and Yurio slowly takes him in his arms. I show him how to hold Yuri and soon he was holding him exactly how he should.

Otabek handed me my coffee and sat next to me and smiled, "thanks" he whispered still looking at the sight of his boyfriend holding Yuri carefully. With Otabek in front of me I turn my ringer and flash off and take a picture and text it to Otabek. Otabek opened his phone when he heard the ding and opened the text to see the picture. A smile small forms on his lips as he looks at me then texts, 'I'm saving this, thanks *thumbs up emoji*' I smile a bit then look at Yurio who was in basically in his own world holding Yuri right now.

"Should we put him in a onesie now?" Otabek asks making us all smirk. "Heck yeah!" Yurio yelled but immediately took back by rocking the baby in his arms. I smile, "then let's do it!" I whisper-yell holding the beloved onesie in the air.

Yurio handed Yuri over to me and I began to change him, making Otabek and Yurio turn away because it's still Yuri to them and they didn't want to see that. Once I had fully changed him I couldn't stop giggling as I held him by the arms to Yurio and Otabek. There eyes widened and the two began to laugh. The pig onesie fit him perfectly. The onesie was all pink and on the hood was the face of the pig, and since the hood was the biggest part it basically fell over his face but still had a ton of space to breath. And on the back the onesie even had a little tail.

We couldn't stop laughing and taking pictures of Yuri until the sound of a door opening was heard and people coming in.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" Pichit yelled.

Okay so I really wanted to get a chapter out and tried to get as much as I could in here since I've been gone so long. I've also been working on another idea for a story recently so if you'd guys like I'll give you guys the prologue sometime! Also before I go, 2K! I can't believe this story got 2K! I'm so happy and I can't give you guys enough thanks for this! Your comments mean the world to me and make me smile every time, so if it's not too much comment or give some feedback! Ideas are always welcome! Thank you!

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