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Chap 20: Sing-a-long
3rd POV

After everyone had settled down about the fact Yuuri had only grown into a toddler, the rest of the day actually went pretty smooth. They ended up just turning on the tv for Yuuri while the "grownups" talked about how they were going to handle the whole situation.

They arranged with one another things like who was going to watch him, what they were now going to feed him, and most importantly what were they going to do with him. Before Victor and them could just lounge around with the baby, maybe show it a few things to entertain it, but now Yuuri was a toddler, meaning he's not going to be entertained with those small things anymore. He's going to want to do everything, and anything.

So Pichit after a bit proposed a cool and fun idea for Yuuri, that would only work now that he was like this. And the idea they had actually excited Victor a lot. So, Pichit ended up leaving early with Celestino so he could work on said idea, and Yuri and Otabek stayed behind since Yuuri wanted Yuri to watch Tom and Jerry with him.

Of course Otabek ended up being dragged along with the two, and soon they were having a "family" movie session on the floor in bundles of blankets and pillows. They watched movies like Inside Out, Ice Age, and they also watched Toy Story.

But sometime during the whole movie Yuri found himself get stuck on a topic. "Hey Victor" he started in a hushed tone. Victor hummed softly as he pet Yuuri's hair. "Do you think Yuuri is still fluent in japanese?" he asked. Victor paused for a moment and looked down at the child, "I don't know, should we test it?" Victor questioned looking down at the boy.

Yuri shrugged, "how would we test it though?" he said resting his face into his hands. Victor smiled, "maybe we could put on some japanese dialect or something? Anime?" he proposed. Yuri thought for a moment and shrugged, "so we're going to see if he can understand anime? But what show would we show him?" Yuri asked rolling over into Otabek's chest.

Victor had thought for a moment and then decided that Google was obviously the best way to find his answer and searched up "best kid anime shows" in the search bar. A few shows popped up and he set his phone in front of Yuuri as he pressed play. Soon colorful characters danced across the screen, and Yuuri seemed to enjoy every bit of it.

Still though, they couldn't get an answer. He was showing interest in the show, but it wasn't giving clear signs that he understood. Well that was until a character had asked Yuuri a question right as Victor and Yuri had given up, so Yuuri at the top of his lungs screamed the answer at the phone in messy japanese.

Shocked the two russians yelped in surprise at the sudden outburst and Yuri climbed into his lovers chest for the comfort, and Victor went to reach out for someone, but instead he just grabbed a heap of blankets and squeezed it as hard as he could.

"I guess he speaks japanese" Yuri joked smirking at the blanket covered Victor. Victor rolled his eyes softly at the boy and looked at Yuuri who had peacefully went back to watching his show. Giggling, or smiling brightly at the screen every now and again blurting out an answer in japanese.

That was basically how the day had gone by though, simply watching shows and doing nothing all day. Later Yuri and Otabek left after Victor treated them to some leftovers in the fridge, and then it was time for the two to finally go to sleep.

Yet since Yuuri couldn't exactly fit in his baby clothes Victor ended up texting one of the guys telling him of the situation, and that he'd pay one of them if they bought some clothes for Yuuri. And for the time being Victor just gave Yuuri a diaper and set him the bed, this time Victor decided that he could sleep with Yuuri (but he still built a huge wall of pillows in case Yuuri would fall off, and he made a soft barricade so he would squish the toddler either).

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