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Chap 14: Park

Victor's POV

As I packed Yuuri and I into the car I smiled, the other day while Yurio was watching Yuuri I went out to get him a car seat. It was blue and had small snowflakes spread across it. Yuuri seemed to like the car seat as well since he was jumping up and down, and giggling a lot. I closed the door and I quickly made my way around the other side and got in the driver's seat.

I checked the car mirror to see how Yuuri was, and once I knew for sure he was all good I started the car and made our way to the park. As we drove we passed a bunch of random things that always managed to catch Yuuri's attention. Most of the whole ride he would start making noises and pointing at random things like, trees, birds, people, shirtless men running (I got a little angry at that one), dogs, cats, and much more. He seemed to happy to actually see the things around him instead of being forced to look only at me and the car ceiling whenever we drive.

The park we were headed too wasn't a very popular park, it was more of a calm place for very young infants like Yuuri to go to. It had similar things to a normal park like a small slide, sandbox, those tic-tac-toe blocks that would spin, and it had a small thing for them to climb. There were mostly mothers there, and a few fathers that looked to have been dragged by the mother there.

I shook my head a bit at the sight and went to get Yuuri out of the car. Once I unbuckled him from the seat he happily reached out for me and I picked him up. I held onto him so that he was looking behind me and started to walk over, but before I went I made sure to have my keys and phone just in case of an emergency.

When the two of us walked over I could feel all the women and men's eyes on me and I suddenly felt a bit awkward. I purposely pulled up my sleeve the best I could so I could show the single mothers my ring, and a few of them backed off.  I picked Yuuri off my shoulder and looked at his face, "what would you like to do?" I ask him softly. He just giggled and pointed at the slide a little bit away from us.

I smiled, "you wanna slide?" I ask him. He smiled and giggled very loudly, to which I took as a yes. 

I then walked over to the slide and placed Yuuri at the top. He seemed a bit scared at the top because to him this was really high up, so I grabbed onto his hand for reassurance and made him slowly slide down. After that first slide all his nerves were gone. He ended up going up and down that slide who knows how many times before finally deciding to try something else.

This "something else" turned out to be the tic-tac-toe game. If you've ever seen these before, let me explain. So these things are what you find at certain parks and they have two sides on them, one with x's and one with o's. They are painted onto blocks that spin to be able to change the sides. There are about nine of those squares and like any tic-tac-toe game you try to get three in a row.

I used to play these when I was a little kid, but whenever I lost I got angry and just spun them rapidly. And sometimes I didn't even play the game, I just spun them all at once and I was fine.

And that was basically what Yuuri and I were doing. Since Yuuri doesn't know how to play I just have him spinning them in circles, and if you thought that would be boring to a baby trust me it's not. He's spun one singular block so many times by now and ever times he still gets surprised to see the x appear.

But what was probably my favorite part of the whole thing was after awhile whenever he saw the o on the block he would make an o-shape with his mouth. It was adorable and every time he would turn to me as if he needed confirmation that he was doing it right.

To be honest I was really glad to have this day out with Yuuri by myself. I've been having either Pichit, Yurio, or Otabek help me out this whole week so far and I've never really had a day with him to myself. 

But I forgot something. I'm a famous skater, and there are things in the world called paparazzi that bug the living crap out of us. And today was no exception. So when I saw a man with a notepad coming my way I knew my fun time with Yuuri was over.

"Hello there mr Nikiforov, my name is Bradley. Huge fan of your work, if it's okay with you could I ask some questions?" and by if he could he meant, "I will not take no for an answer so surrender now, or feel the wrath of a fake story being spread" I sighed and turned to him while Yuuri played with the blocks.

"Sure, I don't see why not" I say, but I was lying, I see so many reasons why not too, but I can't have a stupid rumor going on about me now. "Alright then, why don't I just cut to the whole chase and ask, why do you have a baby with you? Is that you and Yuuri's child? Have you two finally adopted?" he asked.

I sigh, paparazzi know nothing about personally boundaries. "No, Yuuri and I haven't adopted a child. This guy is the kid of a friend of mine. She was busy today so I said that I would watch over him and brought him to the park" I say calmly. If I've learned something over these few years of fame I learned how to come up with a lie on the spot.

"And what friend?" Bradley asked taking notes. "I would prefer not to tell, I don't think she would like her name to be out there" I say shaking my head. "Is she famous?" he asks not caring about my statement before. "No, she is not. She doesn't really prefer the spotlight like others" I say getting a bit irritated. But as always, I didn't show it.

He huffed and closed his notes, "alright then, thank you for your time" he said taking his leave. I sigh and pick Yuuri up who was a little sad to leave his beloved blocks. "Wanna go get a treat?" I ask him excitedly. His eyes lit up at those words and he nods.

I pick him up and hurry out of the park and once again go through the routine of putting Yuuri in the car, then getting in myself.

Once we were in the car I headed towards the ice cream shop that Yuuri and I used to go to all the time. The ice cream shop was very simple. You don't go inside, and have to wait and order from outside. The flavor kinds are on the windows and the windows slide open so you can order.

I quickly took Yuuri out of the car and went up to the window already knowing what to get. I myself got normal old vanilla and I got Yuuri a small chocolate ice cream. Since it was cold out right now, nobody was really here at all so it was quick and easy to get.

I took the ice cream to go and once again for the third time today put Yuuri in the car and headed off towards home. Along the way he ended up falling asleep so when we got back inside, instead of giving him the ice cream I set him down for a nap and ate all alone. Well not exactly was I alone I was just sitting next to him in bed feeling lonely, as ever because my lover is a child and is taking a nap.

I scrolled through instagram and stopped when I noticed something. Some of the mothers there must've taken my picture while I was at the park because they were spreading all across the internet. And these pictures got moments of me holding him, playing with him, and until that Bradley guy comes out saying that he's a friends kid I was watching they're all going to think he's mine! Which he is, he's all mine, but I don't want people knowing of this!

I sigh and turn off my phone and look at Yuuri. He looked so peaceful, I smiled and got under the covers and laid down next to him. I saw my coat and scarf discarded across the floor and sighed. "I guess I should sleep a bit too. Goodnight Yuuri" I mumble kissing his forehead before falling into deep sleep.

Done, I did another chapter. Haha! And I thought I would continue to procrastinate! It's one thing to know what I'm writing but wanting to write it sometimes takes me a while. Other than that, how are you today? Has your day been good? I have a test tomorrow and today I finished dissecting a frog! It I don't know, for a bit I had to step out to go help a girl who was throwing up in the bathroom, and since the nurse wasn't there I just walked her to the office. But tell me in the comments if this chapter was alright and if you had a good day at all. Thank you for reading!

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