YOUNGJAE: Room 902 (Author Oneshot)

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Soooooo, I'm back after a while. I decided to do a sad oneshot even though this is the first Youngjae oneshot and I'm making it sad, I hope you'll still enjoy it (even though it's also my first time writing something sad) Oh and this time, Youngjae's POV is added :D

y/n's POV:

January 2;

I waited patiently for the elevator to reach the floor I was heading to. The bouquet of flowers starting get heavy in my arms from how long it was taking. All thanks to my idiot brother who thought that he could climb up a tree and jump down, expecting to not fracture something.

The elevator finally stopped on the floor I wanted to go to and I had completely forgotten what room he was in. It was either room 901 or 902, and I really didn't want to walk into some stranger's room. So I just went with my gut and went into room 902.

I opened the door quietly and yelled.

"Hello my monkey brother!" I smiled brightly until I realized the person I was staring at wasn't my brother at all. In fact, I had no idea who he was. He looked at me a little confused as he sat in his hospital bed.

I immediately bowed at a 90 degree angle and apologized. I could hear him chuckling at me, I looked up only to stare at an extremely handsome male in front of me. He gave me a soft smile and turned away to continue looking out the window. My heart raced at his delicate features and gentle movements.

He continued to look out the window, his stare focusing upwards

"The sky is beautiful today, isn't it?" A soft angelic voice slipped through his lips. The palms of my hands grew clammy and the words didn't seem to come out.

"Oh, yeah..." He turned his head towards me and grinned. I didn't care if I was late to my brother's room, I wanted to stay here.

"My name is y/n... I'm sorry about my sudden burst into your room. Here take these as an apology." I could get my brother new flowers. I placed them in the empty vase near the window that was already beginning to collect dust.

"My name is Choi Youngjae; you don't have to apologize for barging in, it brightened my day." He was literally an angel. It made my heart nearly thump out of my chest.

"I can stay longer and brighten your day more!" I didn't mean to speak so loud or sound dumb. He laughed at my attempt to make him feel better. He patted an empty spot on his bed and I immediately took the chance to sit. His smile only grew warmer.


Youngjae's POV:

January 8;

It's been a few days since I first met her. She was so bubbly that it never failed to make me smile. I've been looking forward to waking up just to wait for her. And I had to admit, y/n was beautiful; there was no way to lie about that. I scrolled through the pictures on my phone and smiled at our selfies together.

I heard a soft knocking on my door and I spoke up quite a bit.

"Come in." I continued reading the book I had in my hands.

"Youngjae-ah..." I knew that voice, she never bothered to visit me. I don't know why she decided to visit today. I don't why she bothered to visit at all; I thought she hated me.

"Mom, why are you here?" I sounded frustrated; seeing her made me angry. She didn't care for me at all, why did she have to act like she did? She looked at me sympathetically for the first time as she sat down in one of the empty visiting chairs.

"It looks like your heart disease has not gotten any better at all. Doctor Kim says you may only have around the end of this month to live an-" I stopped her right there. I didn't want to here this coming from her. Where has she been all these years? Why does she only care now, when I'm about to die? Why didn't she even show that she cared when I was younger?

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