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I fell asleep with the same dream and woke with my hand clenching onto my shirt. I looked at the time and it read '5:48', a long sigh emitted throughout the room as I laid back in bed, "I am never going to get over this." I think. And it's most likely true.

It feels like forever for morning to come, rays of light piercing into my room. I was left a note on the side table next to me, along a small cup containing my daily medicine. 'had to run to an important meeting, don't forget to stop by school today to pick up and drop off your assignments. - Nurse Heo'. Tapped to the note was a transit card, a sympathetic smile tugging at my lips when I see the little kakaotalk characters on it.

I swallow the medicine alongside the breakfast that was brought in shortly, I end up squinting at the bitter taste. Afterwards I find the strength to get out of bed and get ready, a smile brought to my face at the sight of the white dress. I skim past it because picking up assignments at school isn't worth wearing something nice when I'd only be there for ten to fifth teen minutes max. I grab my backpack by the closet after slipping on the needed clothing to brace the cold weather before heading out, as I go through the halls I check everything to make sure I'm not forgetting anything. I end up waiting at the nearest bus stop for no longer than ten minutes before the bus arrives, as the bus halts to a stop everyone around begins to pile in. I scan my card and look around for the nearest seat (preferably one with a window) and manage to find one, relief washing over me. I ignore the look the ajusshi driving the bus gives me, clearly he was surprised when he didn't see a uniform but simply I brushed it off. I stare out the window until I reach my stop, I can feel the judgmental stares of the older ajummas staring as I quietly got off. I ended up walking a couple blocks before reaching the school grounds, the attendant at the front gate asking for my ID card. I comply and hand it to him and after he scans the ID he opens the gate and allows me to pass through.

I grip the straps of my bag as I head towards the main building, my breathing steadying when I notice the bare hallway. I walk into the main office and wait, a small crowd of students clustered around a student who was handed papers to sign as pictures of him were being taken. I simply shrug it off as a kind looking older lady asks what I need in which I tell her and she goes off to get them as I wait. I start to zone out up until the point where I didn't realize a boy next to me, his height intimidating. I stare up at him in awe at his height, thankfully he was too busy staring at the crowd to realize. He then looks down and I stare wide eyed in shock and try to advert my attention away but I'm unable to as it's already too late. I quietly mutter an apology as I find the courage to turn away, the boy simply laughing.

"It's fine," He reassures me. "It's my height, right?" I meekly nod which caused another laugh to leave the boy's lips. Silence sneaks up on us as the two of us stare at the crowd, the sight fascinating to the two of us. "I'm sure it's always like this for him, his popularity is rising drastically - both in the music industry as well as in school." The lady at the front desk comes back with my assignments as I hand her my completed assignments. The boy looks in surprised before realizing I wasn't wearing a uniform. I turn to him to bid goodbyes but find it difficult as I can't address him because I don't know his name. I squint trying to read his name tag to which he realizes and bends down to a level at which I can read, an empathetic smile on his face.

"Well, I guess this is it," I say. "Jung Wooseok."

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