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Hours seemed to pass as he told endless stories which resulted in laughter, his smile seemingly brighter against the lights strung along the tree. I cover my face as I laugh along, a faint shade of pink tinting my cheeks. He takes notice and simply smiles at the gesture, his laughter shortly dying down. His eyes gaze down to his watch before a worried expression spreads across his face.

"Ah, it's getting kind of late." He says as he scratches the back of his neck. "Should we head back?" I simply nod as I watch him pack his belongings, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips as he nervously fumbles around. His outstretched hand catches me off guard as I momentarily slip out of thought, my hand grabbing onto his. His hand never leaves mine as we leave, the feeling of reassurance settling in.

He suggests taking a detour on our way back to the hospital, hesitantly but assured I agree. We walk through a nearby park that was lined with street lights, Shinwon aimlessly humming along to a random tune. I take the time to think as random thoughts fill my head, one questioning thought occurring to me.

Do I like him?

I think back to all the times spent with him and analyze them, in my head I start to outweigh the pros and cons. Although I was a shock upon first meeting somehow I overcame this 'fear' of him and everything seemed to go well but part of me still feels detached from him.

Without knowing tears start to form to the point where they brimmed my tear duct, our movements halted. Shinwon lets go of my hand and crouches to my level, his hands holding onto my shoulders as he speaks softly.

"Eunhee, what's wrong?" I wait as I try to find the right words to say, tears streaming down my face. Instinctively he brushes them away with his thumbs as he waits for me to speak.

"I'm scared of falling in love with you."

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