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"Is everything alright?" I look at him with confusion, Nurse Heo mere seconds away from stepping in. I turn to her and ask if it's alright for me to speak to him while she waited by the main doors to which she agreed to. I followed Wooseok to a secluded staircase and watched as he heavily exhaled before looking at me. "Did something happen?"

"What do you mean?"

"I tried to stop by your room to drop off some of the school work earlier this morning but the front desk told me you weren't taking any visitors, is something going on?" He continues.

"I'm just busy with school work right now, that's all." I lie as I pray he'll buy it. He squints his eyes and bends down to my level as he looks into my eyes, his face showing uncertainty.

"Jung Eunhee," He says. "I'll ask you one more time, is something going on?"

I let out a long sigh before speaking, his expression slowly softening. "I'm not the biggest fan of new people." Still somewhat of a lie but it'll do for now. He lets out a light chuckle after hearing the response, a frown replacing the anxiety after seeing his reaction.

"You don't like Shinwon hyung?" He laughs again, my first instinct to get him to stop laughing. I lightly smack him and immediately he stops and acts hurt, his hand rubbing the 'bruise' I apparently left. "Okay, how about this, why don't I find a time for you to properly meet the rest of the members?" I am at a loss for words at his proposal, my jaw hanging slightly agape. "I'll take it as an 'okay'?"

"Wooseok, I don't know." I respond to which he lightly brushes it off.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun. I'll be there so you won't have to worry." He tries to reassure me. I stay silent as he agrees to it before I could even speak, a gummy smile etched upon his face. "How about today at four?" I agree to it, this only making his happier. His eyes grow wide as he checks his watch for the time, his lips mouthing something I was unable to understand. "I have to go, I've been out of class for too long." He says his goodbyes as he starts to walk away, but remembers something as he quickly turns back around. "They're going to love you, I've already talked so much about you."

"And why would you do that?"

"Because you're my friend."

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