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I wait for ten minutes before leaving the room, my thoughts focused on how I looked. Similar to before Nurse Heo cooed at how cute I looked, and instead of feeling nervous or self conscious I felt good. She asked if I was sure with my outfit, she seemed like she wanted me to wear the dress she had bought me but I reassured her I wanted to wear it for a special occasion and that today would be nothing special. She didn't say anything else in regards to my outfit and the two of us proceed to the main entrance of the hospital. After signing me out we head in the direction of the location written, Nurse Heo using her phone for directions.

"Eunhee," She tells me. "It looks like we'll be going in a more crowded area of Seoul, will you be okay?"

"I think I will," I try to say confidently. "I mean, I've been fine the first few times, right?"

"Wow," She says in surprise. "You're really starting to change, Eunhee-ah."

We end up taking a bus to the destination, Nurse Heo wanting to use up all the money left on the transit card. I stare out the window in anticipation as my feet aimlessly swing back and forth. Due to traffic it's takes us a little longer than usual - as told from Nurse Heo, the bus comes to a stop as the driver calls out the destination and few get off. I pull Nurse Heo out of her seat and start to head towards the exit as she comments on how excited I am to see someone, this being a first. We were dropped off in the middle of on of the busiest parts, the two of us having to walk a little more before getting to there.

A decent sized crowd fills the street to the max as certain streets are closed off, the closer we get the more visible the size of the crowd becomes. Nurse Heo asks one more time if I'll be okay to which I reply, 'yes' Nurse Heo nodding in response.

"Is this it?" She questions as we approach a stage. I take out the receipt and look at the surroundings before showing her the slip. She looks it over once more before nodding. "This is it, but why would he want you to meet him here?"

"He is from a entertainment agency." I restate. A few minutes pass before ten boys take the stage, my eyes immediately drifting to Wooseok. One of the boys says something which the other nine follow but I tune it out as I stare at Wooseok in awe. I try to turn to Nurse Heo to say something but was cut off by the sound of music playing followed by singing, my mouth unable to form proper words. I was surprised and stunned by the end of the first song my mouth slightly agape. A few more songs were played after, some of the songs were in English while others seemed unfamiliar. I turned to look at Nurse Heo but she seemed like she was having fun and decided not to bother her. At the end of the performance they all bowed and thanked everyone for coming, the ten then exiting.

It was decided by Nurse Heo to wait for everyone to start leaving before the two of us got going, immediately she looks for a bench for us to sit. We both talk about the performance, Nurse Heo going on about how she was impressed and had "never seen something like it". I laugh at her statement as she stares at me in confusion, without noticing a dark shadow blocks me from direct contact with the sun. I look up only to see a smiley Wooseok, his grin reaching from ear to ear.

"Eunhee!" I simply wave. "You're here!"

"I'm surprised you were able to find me."

"Your hair color gave it away," I take a strand of hair and observe the color before laughing at realization. I look back at him only to see anticipation as he reaches for my hand. "I want you to meet some friends of mine." I shoot Nurse Heo a look of anticipation as she tells me to go but reminding me to find her when I was done. The two of us walk back towards the stage, the entire time I complimented him on how well he did. Without noticing he stopped walking which caused me to abruptly stop, my eyes wandering to nine other pairs of eyes. "Eunhee, these are my friends."

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