Chapter 17

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- Matt -

Eight hours and counting until I can finally see your beautiful face again. Thinking to yourself always seemed to pass the time faster, and with each of us dropping off one by one, there were getting to be fewer and fewer people that I could actually talk to. Though, thankfully Nash and I were getting off at the same stop. 

The girls should still be at school by the time that we get home, which is a good thing because it gives up plenty of time to nap and set up this whole shabang thing. I really hope Delilah isn't taken back by the things I have planned. I'm sure she won't mind me showing up at her bus stop but I don't know if she's going to like the idea of going to dinner with my mom without me telling her. Nash and Laney probably have something planned out but I plan on spending as much time as I can with Del. 

Call me cheesy but I can't wait to be home. I missed everyone, even though the fans are great, it still sucks to be away from the people you love for that long. 

"Dude, should I take Laney out to dinner somewhere, or should we just stay in and chill?" Nash looked at me as if he was generally lost about what to do, but to me the answer was obvious. 

"Stay in and chill for sure because we've been gone for three months and she's probably going to want to love you. If you know what I mean." I smirked at the last part, knowing that they weren't knew to the whole sex thing. Everyone knew, we weren't idiots. 

"You right. Thanks, bro." Nash was a sucker for love, but when it came to Laney it was even worse. He was definitely crazy for her. But hell, I was crazy for Delilah. I still am. 

Even though we skyped and everything while I was gone, it just wasn't the same. Pretty soon, I heard the driver calling for Cameron to get off, and as we all said our goodbyes, all I could think about was the fact that him getting off meant we only had 6 hours left. So, I decided to nap for the time being. 


Every now and again someone would wake me up so that I had a chance to say goodbye to them, and when I finally looked around the bus, I realized that it was just Nash, me, and Aaron, which meant that Nash and I were next. 

"Yo, how close are we to home?" I looked over to find Nash, but saw no one. "Nash!" I called out. 

"What's up?" Ah, no wonder we couldn't find him, he was at the fridge as always. Should have known to look there first. 

"How close are we to home?" I repeated myself, hoping he would have some sort of idea. 

"They dropped Shawn off not to long ago at his airport so he could get back to Canada, so I assume we have around an hour and a half left." As soon as he said that, the bus came to a stop. 

"Espinosa and Grier. This is your stop." With wide eyes, I looked at Nash. Both of us were scrambling to get our stuff. 

"Or now works too." He laughed, throwing his bags over his shoulders. 

When we stepped off the bus, our moms both embraced us, and it felt nice to finally be able to hug them again after all this time away. 

"We missed you guys." Both of our moms had become friends since the whole dating thing happened, and because we tour together all the moms seem to know each other at least in the slightest. 

"Trust me, we missed you guys too. Can't get good food on that bus for nothing." The both looked offended, playfully though. 

"Wow. You only missed us for our food. We feel so betrayed." I pulled my mother into a hug to show my true love for her. Thankfully, we had a good relationship while I was growing up, and we still do to this day. 

"So, you're sure you're okay with me bringing Delilah along for this dinner tonight, right?" She nodded her head in reassurance, and I honestly couldn't be more excited for this. It was finally going to happen. 

"Alright, well in that case I'm gonna go inside and take a nap so I can be awake when Delilah get's home. Wake me up around noon?" She gave me a quick 'yes,' and a kiss on the cheek and sent me on my way inside to unpack and unwind from three months of being gone. 


(A/N) : Okay so it's been literally like over a year since I've posted, but I've just been really busy with school and everything. I honestly gave up on this story for awhile, and I know that this is a crappy filler chapter, but hey, at least it's something. I have to pick up the little bread crumbs in my mind from where I last left off and re read my own story to remember all the key details. Bare with me though, I will get this story back on track. I may even take it down and re write it to where I want it, because I've grown as a writer in the year that I've been gone. Who knows, we'll see where life takes us. ALSO! Go check out 'Under Cover Killer' by lovelyxaddiction. It's a good story and I'm sure she'll take it far. I made the cover, and I've personally read it. It's good so far so I personally recommend it if you like one direction! More specifically Harry Styles lol. I follow her if you have a hard time finding it, just click on who I follow and you'll see it. Thanks guys 

- S

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