Chapter 16

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Today's the day that Nash and I head back home to our girls. We won't be back until tomorrow though, because we have a twelve hour drive ahead of us.

Tour is fun and all, and it's definitely something I'd like to do with my life but staying away from Delilah like that isn't something that I like. Nash agrees with me on this one hundred percent because he hated being away from Laney as well. Meeting all those people that were there just to meet you is a feeling I'm not going to forget, it's weird to think that my stupid vines put smiles on peoples faces. Although ultimately that was my goal; to make people laugh and smile. Being down is a feeling I know too well, and I don't want other people to go through that, therefore I always try to make people have good days. 

"What do you think the girls have been up to all this time?" Nash asks me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I know they were involved in senior prank day," I chuckle. Nash gives me a confused look. "Del skyped me and told me that her and Laney were in on it." 

"Foosh is a senior." Nash growled.

"Foosh is our friend, and wouldn't take your girl man, calm your tits." I laughed. Jake had been a friend of mine since I moved here. I know he's better than that.

"You never know man, he's a player." I glared at Nash, taking offense to the insult directed at my friend.

"Don't say that about your friend bro, don't you trust Laney, anyways?" I tried to steer the subject away from Jake.

"Yeah, you're right." His face becoming soft again.

"Besides, what's the worst that can happen in twelve hours?" I consider.

"Seriously? Twelve hours is a long time." Nash laughed.

"Eh," I shrugged, plugging one earbud in.

Twelve hours and counting. The best part is; Delilah and Laney don't know that we're coming back tomorrow. We decided to come back a day early because all of us were actually kind of homesick, me and Nash complaining about missing everyone the entire time.

I personally decided not to tell Delilah and Laney about the early arrival because surprises are better, you know? Besides, with school tomorrow it gives me plenty of time to catch up on sleep when I get home and surprise Delilah at the bus stop when she gets home from school. Nash was the one to give me the idea, but for him instead of meeting at the bus stop he's going to surprise her at her door, making her think he's at home because he didn't meet her at the bus; when in reality he's already at her door waiting. 

All of our parents have been really accepting of the relationship, but have yet to meet one another. I was actually thinking it'd be a good idea for my mom and Delilah's mom to have dinner together. Something I planned on asking them myself, both moms. Delilah's going to think that it's just a dinner with her mom and me, but surprise! My mom's going to be there too. They get along fine, I don't think it should be a problem. Honestly I think it'll be fun. 

"Aye, Matt. Earth to Matt." Taylor calls. 

"Yo, what's up?" I snap back out of it.

"I'm leaving, I'll see you soon yeah? Text me." He pulls me in for a half hug as he steps out of the bus. 

"Yeah, man. Have fun. I'll see you soon." I wave as we pull out. Dang, we were already in Indiana.   

I must have been in my thoughts longer than I thought I was, because Indiana was about four hours away. Which means I only have eight hours until I'm in my own bed. 


A/N: Sorry this chapter is really short, I just wanted to upload a Matt pov. Plus I got distracted looking at matthew gifs to find one to fit this chapter and lost my train of thought...oops.

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