Chapter 7

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So last night, Delilah and I had our very first date. I had said I love you, and she said it back. I love you. Those words kept running through my mind. She actually did say it back. The thing was, did she really mean it? Hopefully she did, because I wasn't lying when I told her that. I actually did love Delilah. She's given me more meaning in my life than anyone else has. That's saying a lot. 

"Matthew?" I heard my mom call from downstairs. Great. What did she want now?

"Yes, mom?" I tried to sound as convincing as possible. 

"How've you been? I know I'm not the best mother, but I'm worried about you." She had fear in her eyes, and I could tell by the expression written on her face that she truly meant it. 

"Everything is fine mom. But why would you be worried about me? Did you hear something?" I tried to hold her gaze but she kept glancing back down at the floor. 

"No, I haven't heard anything. I just wanted to be a good mom." She had started going back to the dishes now. "I love you Matthew, I hope you know that." She said the last part in a whisper so low that only I could hear her. 

"I love you too mom." I gently embraced her in a hug, and a tear fell down my cheek. Wiping it away I walked back upstairs. 

What the heck just happened?

-To: Delilah ;* 

Hey, uh do you think you could come over tonight? I don't want to be alone, I'll explain everything in person? c: - 

I really needed her here with me. I couldn't really process what just happened, and I didn't need to have an emotional meltdown right now. Plus, she's adorable and loveable so why not? 

-From: Delilah ;*

Yea, be there in half an hour max. I have to get past my mom. I'll be there soon cutie. c: -

Good, I wasn't going to be alone tonight. This was good. 



Okay, so apparently I was going to be with Matthew tonight. But if he tried anything like that... then no it's over I'm done. I'm not like that believe it or not. Least not yet. 

I quickly slipped into my fluffy pj pants, and a comfy reckless shirt. Since tomorrow was Saturday, I probably should bring a bag. I brought a small purse and packed my brush and my toothbrush in it. I didn't need much. I could just walk back to my house for a change of cloths. 

Now here's the hard part, How in the hay am I suppose to get past my mom who's like the lightest sleeper in the frickin world. 

I grabbed my uggs and started to head downstairs. Of course just my luck, that one creepy creaky stair that you see everyone have in the movies, I stepped on it. 

"Shit." I mumble under my breath. But that's when my life is over. I hear footsteps. "No, no no." I dived from the last two steps to the couch. I made it just in time as the light went on. 

"Delilah, what are you doing? I know you're faking. Now where are you going?" She didn't look mad. And honestly I had a feeling she already knew where I was going. 

Deciding on the pros and cons of the situation, I went to tell her the truth. 

"Matthew had something to tell me and didn't want to be alone. So I was going to go comfort him." I sighed, tilting my head down so she couldn't see my expression. Guess my plans were ruined. 

"Okay, don't expect this very often and I swear to god Delilah if you guys do anything to make me a grandma I'm going to skin you both alive. Go. You're allowed to stay for the night." She said no other words. Instead she turned around and went straight back up the stairs. Well then.


"Matthew," Somehow, I don't even know how, I had gotten up to the sill of his window, and I was sitting there, knocking. Trying to get him to let me inside. 

Finally he saw me and came rushing to help me in. Well it's about time. 

"Delilah," He breathed. It didn't take but one second for him to pull me into a hug. But then my shoulder got cold? Cold...? Wait...? No... it's wet?

"Look at me." I gently pulled his face up. Yea, he was crying. I didn't know how to react to this, so I kind of just...kissed him. It felt right. This moment felt right. 

When we finally pulled apart, I cradled him in my arms. I've never seen this side of him before. I mean yeah I've seen him vulnerable before but never this vulnerable. 

Eventually we made our way to the bed, and we cuddled each other. It was like we were each others life line. We would steal small kisses here and there, but he was sweet. 

"Hey Delilah?" He moved a piece of hair out of my face. His eyes were starring straight into mine. 


"What are we?" I avoided his gaze, but honestly I had to wonder for a little bit. What were we?

"Accidentally in love."


A/N : Sorry I haven't posted in like forever but ily and this boy at my school likes me and he's adorable and well idk but my friends ship #soey so idk but yeah hope you like the chappie.

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ily. Stay beautiful.

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