Wolf gang?!?!

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"Shit"I mutter.

"So are you going to tell us why you were in the deep dark forest?!?"Asked my sister.

I looked at my friends"You girls should go."I told them.They nodded and left.

I looked at Ramona"I wasn't in the deep dark forest."I tell her.

She scoffed"Oh really then why did Daring say he saw you there?!?!"She asked.

My eyes went wide then I glared at her"Tell your boyfriend to stop fucking spying on me."I sneer as I walk past her.

"Cerise get back here!"Yelled my dad.

"I'm not a kid anymore you cant tell me what to do!"I yell as I run to Raven's dorm.

"UGH!!!"I yell in frustration.

I saw Raven staring at me"I'm guessing it went bad?"She asked I nodded.

"Can we get out of the school for a while?"I ask her.

She nods,grabs her purse before she grabbed my hand ,and walked out the door.We ran out without being noticed by anyone.

I sigh"Free at last."

Raven laughes"Hey C?"Raven asked using my old nick name.

I sigh"Let me guess you want to know what I was doing in the deep dark forest.".She nodded.I sighed"At frist I just wanted to get away from the school.Then I remembered that I had a friend who was in a wolf gang a-"Raven interrupted me"Wolf gang !?!?!"

I shush her before continuing"Its exactly what you think it is...So I contacted him and told him I wanted to join his gang.Before you ask I wanted to join because I need some action in my life every thing else in my life is fucked up and its all making me so angry and I needed a way to blow off some steam so I joined."I explain to her.

She looks off into the distance"You know this is going to end bad right?"She asked looking at me.I nod and give her a small smile.

We turn around a corner to the bean stalk café. I stop when I see someone walking up to us smirking.I glare at him.

"Do you know him?"She asked.

I sigh"He is the leader of the gang I joined and my old friend."He stops in front of me.

"Talking about me ears?"He asked me.

I roll my eyes"As if....What are you doing here?"I ask him.

"Cant a knight visit his princess?"He smiled.

I laugh"I see you still have a giant ego"

"Hey Raven!"We all turn to see the charming brothers walking up to us.Raven face lights up when she sees Dexter.

"Dex."She runs up to hug him."Hey Cerise."He greets me.

"Sup."I feel someone put an arm around my shoulder.I look up at Peter who is glaring at someone.I follow his gaze to Daring,who is also glaring at him.Daring looks at me and his eyes soften.

"Hey Cerise."He says giving me a small smile."Rav I'm going to leave.K"She nods and goes back to talking to Dexter"Text me when your done making out with your boyfriend."I say to her as me and Peter turn around to leave."Oh and Charming stop spying on me."With that me and Peter walk away.

sorry don't worry Darise will happen please like vote and comment on my story byes

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