Chapter 10

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"Who was that little boy with you?" Cains mother, Belle, had ask. How was I supposed to answer that without telling her the truth?

So I did the only thing I could, change the subject. "Where would we be staying?" I asked as I cleared my throat. Her eyes turned to confusion and I saw her bite her lip. I looked down from her stare andI tangled my hands together.

"We have plenty of room, do you want to share a room with the little bo-"

I interrupted her, "His name is Caleb." I said sharply and I saw her eyes widen in shock.

"Do you want to share a room with Caleb?" She asked hesitantly and I felt her eyes study my movements. There was something off about her, I felt power come off of her in waves and she obviously had strength.

"I would like to," I said unsure, maybe Caleb would like his own room. As I thought that I heard a contagious laugh come from downstairs and a smile had spread across my face.

"Well if he doesn't want that, he can pick among the children's room." She said and she turned around sharply. I frowned and walked slowly behind her, studying the plain brown walls with a few pictures of the family. I stopped at one particular picture where it looked like a younger version of Cain. He was playing with a ginormous dog, not like any dogs I have ever seen. I traced the picture frame with my index finger and I heard a cough from behind me.

I turned around and saw Belle standing there nervously, "What?" I asked as I looked away from the picture.

"Nothing, follow me." She smiled, which didn't reach her eyes. She turned and walked off, leaving me staring at the picture.


"Is this good?" Belle asked as we entered a room at the right. I walked in the room and gasped, it was absolutely beautiful. There was a large bed in the middle of the room with a white, fluffy comforter and purple pillows, a white desk with a black laptop on the surface, beautiful pictures on the wall and the walls were a light shade of purple.

"This is perfect," I whispered with tears in my eyes, I have never had this much stuff that was so beautiful.

"Sweetie.. Why are you cryi-" She started to say but I ran to her and threw my arms around her. She stumbled back and her arms wrapped around me slowly.

"Thank you," I whispered and I felt her head nod, "Your welcome."


"Where's Miss. Ivy?" Caleb said while we sat on the floor with you cars surrounding us.

"She'll be here soon, bud." I said while rolling a car to him. His little hand went out to grab it but he looked up and squealed, I jumped at the sound and I saw him get up quickly and run to someone behind me. I looked back and saw Ivy bending down with a smile across her face with her arms spread out wide. Caleb jumped and it seemed as if they were separated for years.

I saw faint tear stains on Ivys cheeks and I was slightly concerned but I saw the sparkle in her eye which wasn't there in the begining. She whispered something in his ears and he went and ran to my mother. Ivys eyes darted to me and I saw her lips part, she was starting to feel the pull.

Her pale skin was slightly flushed and her hair was in knots, she needed to be treated right. Her lips were chapped and I saw her tongue dart out and I silently groaned, I wanted her to feel the pull stronger so I could just hold her in my arms without her snapping at me. I wanted her head buried in my neck as we slept, our legs tangled together, me tracing random patterns on her smooth, pale skin. Her lips on mine..

"Cain!" Someone snapped and my head shot up to see my mother with a smile on her face. She knew exactly what I was thinking. A faint blush rose on my cheeks and I got up quickly, being careful to step around the you cars.

"Yes?" I asked as I was safely out of the car circle.

"Make Ivy and Caleb some food, please. Cook whatever they want."

"You know I can't cook.." I trailed off and I ran a hand through my hair, my fingers brushing against the edges of my sunglasses.

"Do it, Cain," My mother said sternly and she walked away. I motioned Ivy and Caleb to follow me as I walked towards the kitchen.


"Let me do it. You can't cook, you even burned water!" Ivy laughed at me and she pushed me out of the way.

"I didn't know you could burn water!" I tried to defend myself but ended up laughing with her beautiful, contagious laugh. Caleb sat on the counter, watching us banter playfully.

"Do you have any Frosted Flakes?" She asked suddenly. My eye brows furrowed, Frosted Flakes?

"It's almost 3 in the afternoon.." I trailed off and I saw her shrug with a smile. Damn, she has mood swings.

"So do you have any?" She asked while going through the cabinets.

"Second drawer," She grabbed the box and grabbed two bowls and a gallon of milk.

"How much do you want Caleb?" She asked while pouring the milk, she puts the milk first?

"Just a little bit." Ivy nodded then poured the cereal.

"Where you finish eating, I want to take you somewhere," I said with a smile. It'll be perfect.


Nay or yay?

Where do you think Cain is going to take them?

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Stay beautiful/handsome! ;)

Love ya :)

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