One - Reborn

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Mia's POV

"Who is she?" the nurse asked him.

"I don't know" Alexander said looking lost and confused.

He did not know who I was and although I tried to use reason and understand that it was his accident that left him like this, I could not help but feel pain at the fact that he no longer knew me, what we went through and the love that we have for each other.

The nurse said, "hold on Mr. Kingston, we'll have the doctor come in a minute."

"Who are you?" he said to me once we were alone.

"Mia" I said softly while looking at his beautiful eyes. "We..I used to work for you, in your business."

"Mine? That belongs to my father."

"No, now it belongs to you, you're 25." I wanted to explain to him everything that has happened but at the same time did not want to give him too many bad news in case he might not be able to take it since he is just recovering.

The doctor walked in and examined him while I waited outside. After what seemed like an eternity, Annabel and her mother Isabella walked into the hospital. When they saw me their eyes widened.

Annabel said, "Mia! You came back!" and ran up to hug me.

"It wasn't really like that, I was just volunteering here and happened to see him when he woke up..."

"Oh, so you're not back together with him?"


Her mother asked, "How is he?"

"He is awake and seems to be stable but...I would wait until the doctor comes out to verify this but he just might have some memory problems because he doesn't know who I am and thinks he is 22."

Her face fell and the worry was noticeable in her furrowed brow.

The doctor walked out and told us that he did in fact have some amnesia and he might not be able to remember those years anymore or that he might recall them with time and recovery. He wanted to do some more tests on him but said if he continued to recover in the way that he had he would be able to leave the hospital soon.

His mother wanted to see him so she went in after the doctor and Annabel stayed outside so that she did not overwhelm him.

She asked, "Mia, how have you been? You look different"

I smiled softly at her, "It has been tough but I have healed some and I am working on myself now."

"I am glad to hear that honestly. I wished my brother had the same healing that you did but I think he went downhill instead. I tried to contact you multiple times, when he was doing...when he was going down a very wrong path but I was not able to reach you."

"I know, I just needed to be on my own because I would not be able to get better if I was close to him."

"So the divorce is final?"

I looked at her sadly, "It is in the process of being done.. a few more days, maybe a week."

She nodded as if she understood and I hugged her again because I had really missed her.

She said, "he will need to know about it, the divorce, I would just tell him that you have already divorced so that it is easier for him to cope with."

I nodded and Annabel said she was going to go in to see her brother now.

I wanted to see him again but I knew it was wrong. I had been selfish, trying to be with Ethan because he was kind and made me happy, while on the other hand I had not finalized the divorce because I could not bear to know that Alex and I would be done forever. I picked up my phone and called my lawyer to tell him I wanted the divorce processed and finished as soon as possible. He said it would be completed within a day or two and while I thought that would give me closure, I felt nothing but heartache.

The Healing (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now