Twenty-two - Fragility

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Mia's POV

I screamed loudly at the pain. Kick after kick. Ethan would become angrier every time I begged him not to hurt the baby which is why I decided to quiet down. The tears falling down my cheek kept flowing.

Ethan seemed so nervous. After the last kick he gave me, my water must have broken because I felt the wet liquid running down my thighs. I moaned in pain at the contractions in my belly. I knew it wasn't time for my little one to come out but with the trauma I had just faced I could see why this was happening.

"Ethan... I'm begging you... just take me to a hospital! I won't say it was you please"

He paced around the room and ran his fingers through his hair.

I didn't know if it had been a minute or an hour since my water broke. All I knew was that the pain was getting unbearable and the contractions were getting much stronger and closer.

"I can't! I need to have you here! I will help you..." he said making my heart clench with fear. He had no idea what he was doing. There was no way he could help me. I screamed loudly trying to get someone to hear me so they could help but he simply just slapped me and told me to be quiet.

After a few minutes of pain I felt my grip on reality begin to slip. I was trying to stay conscious for my baby but the pain was dragging me under. I couldn't have my little boy here. He wouldn't survive. There was no way he was ready to be out in the world yet. Even if he was he'd need to be incubated and it didn't look like there were going to be any hospitals nearby.

"I'm going to get some supplies" he said and walked out the door. As the door closed I heard a thump that made me look. A cell phone? I bit my lip to quiet down a scream as I dragged myself on the floor to get closer to the cellphone. My contractions were getting unbearable and I had to use every once of motivation and strength to keep going. Thank God he didn't tie me down to anything which allowed me to drag myself all the way to the phone. I wanted to get up and run but I barely had the strength to drag myself. When my fingertips touched the phone I picked it up quickly and dialed his number which I knew by heart.

Pickup please pickup. Immediately I heard his sweet voice.


"Alex, it's me... I don't know where I am... please help me, the contractions are starting..."

"Mia! Mia I will find you! Did you see anything? A sign? Anything that tells me where you are?"

"No..." I managed to say. I was using all my strength to simply stay conscious. I groaned in pain when the next contraction hit.

"Mia I'm tracing this call okay just stay with me please don't hang up baby" his panic was evident in his voice.

"He'll come back..."

"No sweetie, try to block the door baby I'll be there I promise, just. A few more seconds and I'll know where you are baby!"

"Alex I love you"

"Mia don't say it like a goodbye, I will find you"

I vaguely heard hunter scream on the other end saying I got it!

At the same time the door opened and I saw Ethan's furious face.

"You should not have done that!"

I braced myself for the pain I knew was coming but even then his kicks left me breathless. I could vaguely hear Alex's voice in the distance begging him to stop when suddenly I heard the phone crack after he threw it against the wall.

I must have lost consciousness again because everything turned black and I would only be able to come back for seconds every now and then. It was like a giant fog descended on my brain probably trying to save me from more pain.

Alex's POV

I was driving like a maniac as Hunter attempted to give me the directions. Taylor, whom we had picked up hours earlier, was in the back of the car contacting the police and ambulance so they'd head to the location. I knew they'd arrive after me but I needed them there in case my boy was already born. He was way too young to live out of his mommy on his own.

I sped down the streets even faster as I thought of that. I knew I was being reckless but their lives were on the line. He must be hurting them right now based on the last moments I was on the phone with her.

"Alex be careful! If you get us all killed she won't have anyone to save her!" Taylor yelled at me. I knew he was right but at this time all I could think of was getting there now. When we finally arrived at the location I saw a bunch of warehouses. The sirens were heard very distantly and I could not wait any longer.

I jumped out of the car immediately followed by Hunter and Ethan.

"You two go through the front I got the back, here take this" Hunter said handing both of us a small gun. It felt strange in my hand because I had never used one before but I knew this wasn't the time to be thinking of that. I didn't even know If it was loaded or not but I had to go in and try to at least look like I knew what I was doing.

As soon as we stepped in we heard a loud scream coming from Mia.

I looked around trying to figure out which way to go since there were so many boxes and junk lying around. Taylor and I went separate ways quietly so that we'd surround him. I heard her whimpers and moans which made my heart break into a thousand pieces. I needed to get to her now. The sirens were much closer now. I took a right because the screams seemed to be coming from that direction but every single muscle in my body froze when a gunshot echoed through the building.

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