Twenty-one - Goodbye

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Alex's POV

I am such an idiot. I can't believe I even considered Ethan to be telling the truth. If Mia told me she never slept with him I should've believed her immediately.

The stress of having Ethan on the loose was getting to me. I let jealousy override the logical explanation and now I've hurt Mia once again. Of course she's carrying my baby in her belly, she would never lie about that. I saw the conviction and truth in her eyes. I had just let the stress, jealousy and annoyance get to me. I punched the wall with my hand frustrated at myself.

I took a deep breath and started heading downstairs to find Mia. As I took the last step down, Hunter came in the door running.

"Sir! She's gone! We need to call the police right now, I have all the men circling the house-"

"What do you mean she's gone?! What are you talking about?!" I ran outside not wanting to believe him.

"Sir she walked out on her own, we are reviewing the tape now but she purposely walked out on her own when no one was looking, she was just around the corner and was taken, its him, the face is visible"

"How could she have walked out on her own?" I screamed at him feeling the fear and anger overtake my senses.


I interrupted his sentence by shoving him.

"She's everything to me! How could you let this happen! This is your job Hunter!"

"Sir she left on her own, this would have never happened if she did not go out on her own...we have our best men already out there, we will find her!"

I ran back inside and got my keys planning to walk around looking for her. I needed to find her.

"Get in the car! We're looking for her!"

"Yes, sir"

I felt my chest constricting as I got in the car making sure my cell phone was on me in case he called. Hunter was messing with his phone and some tech thing in his hands.

"This is going to be a tracer, if he calls we can get the location of the call as long as it's over a minute" he told me.

"Why would he call? He wanted her and he got her!"

I felt like I couldn't breathe but I knew I had to stay somewhat calm to think as clearly as I could. She must be so scared. I needed her and my son to be okay. I can't believe the last time I talked to her I was doubting her honesty. It was my fault she even went outside. I drove around in circles hoping to spot the car in the video our security cameras recorded.

Hunter was on the phone with someone from the security team. It sounded like they were talking about reporting it to the police.

When he hung up he said, "Ryan has already made the report and there are police on the street looking for her. The license plates are now on their system so if any police officer sees them, they'll catch him."

I hit the steering wheel when it started raining. This was the last thing I needed. I would never be able to find her like this. I must have been driving like a maniac because Hunter kept eyeing me sideways but stayed silent. He knew what was best for him.

Mia's POV

I opened my eyes and winced when I felt the light on my face. It made the growing headache even worse. I blinked and looked around completely confused as to where I was. It was an unfamiliar room that looked more like storage.

When I remembered what had happened my heart started beating faster and harder. I rubbed my belly gently and felt my little prince kick. Thank god he's okay.

I didn't see anyone around so my plan was to get up quietly and look for a way out but as soon as I did I realized my hands and feet were tied. Now that I realized that, I felt the pain of the rope biting into my skin.

I tried to move closer to what looked like a door but within seconds I was breathless. Having a 7 month belly was not making this any easier.

I heard a chuckle which made me jump and gasp.

"You really think you can escape?"

At the sound of his voice I got goosebumps all over my skin.

"Oh no baby, I have been trying to get you back for 7 months now. You really believe I am going to let you go?"

I gulped loudly. I knew I should not show fear but I could not help the chills running down my spine.

"Ethan... please let me go... I'm pregnant"

"I know you're pregnant. That's very obvious." That seemed to annoy him because his smile turned much more threatening.

"Just tell me what you want, but please don't hurt my baby boy"

"Ah it's a boy I see? A tiny little Alexander huh?" He walked over to me and pressed his strong hand over my stomach. When the baby kicked he smiled widely. I would've thought he was happy if I hadn't seen his treacherous eyes.

"What do you think Alexander will do if he happens to lose a child again?"

"No please, Ethan he's innocent, don't hurt my baby. You can do whatever you want to me but please don't hurt him" I pleaded.

He couldn't hurt my little boy. If I needed to beg on my knees I would but I could not let my baby be hurt again.

"Why do you protect him so much? Is it because it's his baby? If this was my child would you protect it just as much?" He spat angrily.

"Because he's innocent. He has done nothing to hurt you Ethan. He hasn't even been born! Please don't hurt him."

"Of course he's hurt me! Because of this pregnancy I have had to wait even longer to get you back because you would never walk out of the damn house!"

I saw him walking closer to me and I tried to scoot back and protect my belly but I was too late. He managed to kick my side knocking the breath out of me as I contorted my body in pain. The baby kicked my stomach hard probably he was scared. That was when I realized just how in danger our lives were.

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