Fifteen - Pain

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Alex's POV

I was laying next to Mia trying to hold her against my chest while at the same time only touching her gently. If I accidentally held her slightly tighter she would whimper in pain due to the bruises. I was furious but I knew I had to remain calm for her. I knew she'd mostly likely be waking up soon since the sun had been up for a while. I wanted to go get her medicine so it would be ready when she woke up but I also did not want to move and wake her.

I looked at her peaceful face and the guilt ate away at me. The bruises covering her face fueled the fire raging inside me. I wanted to go back and beat him up again. He deserved so much worse than what he got. She slightly stirred under my embrace and I tried to clear my angry thoughts out of my head.

I felt like it was my fault that she was in this position mostly because she would have never met him if I hadn't messed things up with her. I was still somewhat overwhelmed by the memories that flooded my mind and all the information that I got. I knew she most likely was feeling the same way. She thought I would never get my memories back and now she was surprised I remembered everything.


She said in a somewhat scared and small voice as if she didn't know where she was and why she was in pain.

I looked down at her, "yes? How are you feeling?"

"Everything hurts..." she slightly moaned in pain.

"Let me get you some pain medicine" I slightly shifted to stand up and she held on to me making me stop.

"Don't leave..." she said almost so quietly that I didn't hear it.

I looked at her and I felt a tug at my heart when I saw her shy gaze.

"I won't leave you ever again Mia" I said in a tone that would let her know it was a promise.

I laid down next to her again and ever so lightly kissed her uninjured cheek. 

"I don't want to go back to my place... he has keys to it..."

"Mia you don't have to go back there, you can stay here with me for as long as you want"

She was about to refuse my offer but I gently held my finger to her lips.

"Please don't say no, you can stay here with no strings attached, I just want you safe and comfortable."


"We can make a report to the police, so he pays for what he did Mia."

"No! No please. I know what he did is wrong but he's sick Alex... I just can't do that to him. I'm leaving him but as long as he stays away I don't want to make a report."

I completely disagreed with her and could feel my blood boil but I wanted to be understanding so she would not stress out even more so I simply nodded.

Mia's POV

I was still somewhat shocked at everything that happened. I never thought that Ethan could get to this level but he did. I shuddered at the memories of the fear that I felt yesterday. I was so scared he'd get to me before Alex could stop him.

I felt Alex's soft fingers were gently playing with my hair and I felt a small smile forming on my lips. He was always so sweet. He really was my super hero after yesterday. I don't know how he made it to my place so quickly but I was thankful.

I looked up at him and he looked pensive and guilty at the same time. Knowing him, he was probably blaming himself for all that happened when it really was not his fault. I wanted to distract him from the negative thoughts in his mind so I said, "can I go see the paint room?"

"Of course, but take your medicine first, it'll help with the pain" he said as he handed me the pills which I gladly took because everything was hurting.

As I stood up I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and almost fell back on the bad because of the shock. My clothes were slightly bloodied and my face was bruised. Half of my face was basically swollen and my hair was just a mess. I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment because of my appearance .

"I was going to change your clothes last night but you were in too much pain and didn't want to be moved. Let me get you something."

He went to the closet and took out a pair of silky pajamas that belonged to me then handed them.

"Thank you" I said as I took them. "I want to shower, can I do that here?"

"Of course, do you need help?"

"Uhm..." I knew I was in a lot of pain but I didn't want him to help me in the shower. I mean I knew he'd seen me without clothes before but that was when we were together.

His cheeks slightly turned pink and he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Yeah I mean just if you need the help, I just don't want you to hurt yourself..."

"I think I can do it"

"Okay I'll be right outside if you need me."

I smiled and nodded then headed to the bathroom. I took forever but I got in the shower and washed myself as best as I could while avoiding pain which was difficult since the pressure of the water was enough to make me wince.

When I finally got out of the shower I was slightly out of breath. I opened the door to find Alex sitting right outside just like he said. I couldn't help but smile at him.

He held his hand out to me and helped me sit down when he saw me out of breath.

"I can brush your hair for you..." he said as he grabbed a brush, "if you want."

"That would be amazing" I smiled at how sweet and thoughtful he was. I almost fell asleep as he brushed my hair because it felt so relaxing.

When he was finally done he looked at me with love in his eyes which took my breath away but I wasn't ready to get into that conversation yet so I asked him to take me to the paint room.

It took us a minute to get there since walking left me a little out of breath. When I walked inside I was taken over with emotion. I missed this place so much. The canvas that I had been painting of my little baby was still in the room. Exactly as I had left it. He really hadn't disturbed anything in all the time I was gone.

He was standing at the entrance just looking at me.

"Why are you standing outside?"

"This is your space, I don't want to invade it but I also don't want to leave you alone because you are hurt."

"You can come in" I said thankful that he wanted to respect my space even though this was not my house anymore.

I stood there for what seemed like hours just appreciating everything. All of a sudden I got a little dizzy and before I could faint Alex was holding me up. My hand was resting against his chest and I felt something in his pocket. I looked at it slightly confused and curious and he seemed a little shy.

"Mia are you okay?"

"Yeah I just got a little tired... I think I need to lay down"

"Let me take you then" he said as he picked me up as carefully as he could. While he walked my to he bed I could not help looking at his chest pocket wanting to figure out what was there.

The curiosity got the best of me so I asked him, "what is in your pocket?" As he put me down on the bed.

He slowly took the mystery out of his pocket and showed it to me. It was my wedding bands. I remembered giving them back to him that day that we argued.

"I've had them in my pocket since you left. I was surprised that I didn't lose them when I had the accident. When I woke up the doctors gave them back to me and you told me we were divorced so I put two and two together. I just wanted to have you close to my heart and I felt that was a way to do it."

My heart was literally melting at his sweet words. The emotion was too much to hold back and I felt a tear rolling down my cheek as I once again realized how much he loves me.

I held his face gently while ignoring my pain and placed a soft and gentle kiss in his beautiful lips.

"I love you Alexander."

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