6 - Is It Just Me Or You Are Actually Very Cheesy?

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The world is full of nice people,
If you can't find one, be one.
Chapter dedicated to _maleficent_xx

"You heard that?" Charlie asked me.

"Heard what?" I asked confusingly.

"Zac and Veronica broke up."

"They did what?" I choked and water flew from my mouth on um, who's this? Shit!!!!! Veronica 'Sluttich' Hewitt.

She wiped her face, her expression full of disgust. She looked like a fierce lioness who was gonna pounce on me in a second.

"How.bloody.dare.you?" She shouted loudly and the whole canteen turned towards our table.

"I, I am sorry Veronica, that was totally unintentional." I explained guiltily. No matter how much a bitch she was, I was actually feeling bad. She crossed her arms and smirked.

"Oh yeah? That was unintentional? So let me show you what intentional is." She said and before I could respond I felt chilled water on my face. I looked up in shock and realized that she had thrown chilled bottle of water and now it was dripping down my face.

"Ohhhhh...." The crowd gasped and I gave an impossible look to her. This is it! I am not letting the queen bee insult me anymore.

"This is what you get when you steal someone else's boyfriend." She said glaring at me. Now, she is getting on my nerves.

"Stupid nerd." She was about to leave when I called her back.

"Hey, bitch." I said and she looked back. I held Charlie's coke in my hand and threw it on her face. She looked at me in shock and the people around us laughed.

"And this is what you get for screwing with a 'nerd'." I said and smirked.

"How fucking dare you!!!" She said furiously and fisted her hand getting ready to punch me.

"Oh ya? You'll hit me? Go on then." I said. I have no idea what is happening to me, I mean I have been in a fight with her before, but it was never so intense. I had some kind of energy today, which is really weird.

"You bitch!" She shouted and was about to punch me when someone came in between. He pushed us apart.

"Whoa,whoa,whoa ladies, relax there. We can settle this matter right here easily. No need to create a scene" It was Andrew and he tried explaining us.

"The scene has already been created and if this bitch hadn't stole my boyfriend then I would've not come in front of this ugly brat. What do you think huh? After wearing clothes like these you would be a supermodel or something, well sorry to burst your bubble but, you're definitely wrong." She said furiously.

"Oh really? I stole your boyfriend? I am not those little followers of yours who will treat Zac like your Gucci bag and steal him for good amount money. Besides, um, who even needs your 'ugly' bag, perhaps no one but just take it as an example." I said and the crowd broke into laughter along with Andrew who was suppressing his laughter till now.

"Fuck off!! Nobody talks to me like that." She shouted and again came to punch me but Andrew again came in between.

"Stop it guys, its enough. Veronica, go back to your table and Mia sit down." He ordered and she left but not without muttering 'bitch' to me.

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