Breakable hearts 05 [Rated R]

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Small warning: this is a bit rated R... mild cussing in it, etc. this is the way the story will be, it'll have cussing in it.. abuse, and alochol, so if you don't like reading this sort of stories i suggest you to go elsewhere, i don't want anyone leaving any hate comments. thank you.



“Riley! Cody! Come down here for a second please” My father yelled.

Cody and I stood up walking out of the room and into the living room moments later, my mom had on her evening dress which meant they must be going out, we both sat down across from one another and I looked at my dad.

“I’m taking your mother out for dinner tonight, the food your mother made for both you of is in the stove when you get hungry, we should be back around 11.” Dad said. “If it gets any later I’ll call, can we trust both of you here alone?” he asked.

“Yeah, totally.”  I told my dad with a smile across my face.

“Promise to keep an eye out on Cody?” he asked staring at me.

I smile at him, “I promise dad you have nothing to worry about go have fun.”

                Mom had given me a quick hug and so did Dad, he ruffled Cody’s hair before walking out with mom, I took in a sharp breath and looked over at Cody.

“I’ll be upstairs.” I said.

He only nodded.

He seemed to be distant this evening, I wanted to know what happened to his little sister and what he meant by was his sister, I walked up the stairs and stopped at my dad’s door that lead into his office, I took in a sharp breath and turned the door knob opening it, the light was off it was dark in there, I soon found the desk lamp and switched it on sitting down in his chair.

Seeing some folders on his desk the folders were marked Private with Cody’s name on them, I bit my lower lip and opened them slowly and began to scan through the papers, his parents were brutal, the father was a cop but yet he would go out and harm his own son, I was shocked at the things I had found, I couldn’t believe his father would get away with such thing but of course he would he was a cop.

I bit my lip closing it hearing music downstairs playing, I didn’t bother with it I only looked through the drawers and found another folder with the last name Sanders written on it and took it out laying it down on top of the other folder, I opened the folder to see the same little girl inside the folder, I slowly began to read the paper work my dad had.

Kyra Sanders: Murdered by her father at the age of 6, 12 year old son Cody Sanders is also a victim of this crime. The little girl was shot by the father, soon found dead on the side of the road by a passing driver.

                Riley stuffed the folder back into the desk and stared blankly at the door for a few seconds shocked at the news she had found out about Cody, so he was a victim of a murder? I walked out of the room moments later and headed downstairs with the music going, I crept downstairs noticing Cody there with a bottle, and my eyes went wide noticing it was from my parent’s liquor cabinet.

“Cody, what the hell? “ I breathed out turning the music off.

“Turn it back on!”

“No, now give me the bottle.”  I stood a few feet from him.

Cody took another long gulp of it and stared at me afterwards, “No!  Just leave me the fuck alone!”

                I stare at him a second and sighed softly, “Cody, drinking won’t help the pain go away it may numb the pain but it won’t go away, it may seem like a great idea right now but once your sober you’ll feel that pain again.” My God I sounded like a theipiest.

Cody stared at me and put the bottle to his lips, his eyes looked tired.

“I don’t need people to fucking worry about me! I’m tired of people asking me if I’m alright, just fuck off and leave the hell alone!” He yelled.

                I stood there a moment and looked at him before taking a deep breath and let it out, “I know what happened to your sister, it sounded horrible but it’s not your fault.” I say.

Cody stared at me and laughed, “Shut the hell up! You don’t know what the fuck happened that night! I don’t give a shit what your dad has in those damn papers!” He put the bottle down and tried to stand up but lost his balance and landed back on the couch.

I sigh softly walking over and took the bottle off the table and started for the kitchen with it hearing Cody.

“Give me the damn bottle!”

                I ignored him and poured the rest of what was left in the sink and threw the bottle away noticing Cody stumble into the kitchen and caught his balance by grabbing the kitchen counter.

“Why do you have to be such a bitch?!” Cody asked glaring.

“I have to be one to help you!” I then stopped seeing how I just yelled back and bit down on my lower lip.

“I don’t need no fucking help now open the damn cabinet and leave me the hell alone!”

                I glared at him and shook my head grabbing his arm but he jerked away,  “I told my dad I would watch you, I’m gone for nearly ten fucking minutes and your drunk!” I was tired of all of this. “Your not getting anymore, you’re going to bed.” I tell him trying to help him again.

Cody glared and stood up his face very close to mine, his blue eyes had no life in them, I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

“Get the fuck away!” He yelled. “I’ll slap you if you don’t move!”  He glared.

I knew he wouldn’t, I knew it was just the alcohol talking, I tried to put his arm around my shoulder to carry him upstairs but he jerked it away glaring over at the knives, as he struggled to walk he had lost his balance and fell onto the kitchen floor hitting his head and passed out.

 I let out a sigh of relief, bent over and picked him up glad he was light and carried him upstairs into my bedroom and lied him down onto the bed and covered him up, I soon stood up after moving some hair away from his eyes not sure why he was blaming himself on his sister’s death when It was clearly his father’s fault, I stood up and got ready for bed myself, looking at him once more I turned the light out and crawled under the covers slowly falling asleep.


I'm not going to let Riley and Cody start falling in love right now, it's a bit to soon for that, they'll slowly start to like one another along the way in the story :) hope you like it! i believe you know what to do!

Breakable hearts [My wattpad story] PG-13Where stories live. Discover now