Chapter 11: Home is Where The Heart is

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We drove up to North Carolina the next day. We moved into, that's right, my home. The real estate agent sold the house to my Aunt and Uncle. It was the greatest news to receive. I can't wait to see the faces of my classmates when they've learned that I've returned. These past two months have been complete hell but now I'm back to make it all right again.

Aunt Darlene and Uncle Chuck spent the day unpacking and I worked on the farm. It felt good to get back to my roots. Once I finished watering the crops, I went back inside, taking my muddy boots off before entering the kitchen and went up to my room. It feels like I never left. I made my bed and put my pillows at the foot of my bed. 

I sighed, remembering I had another letter to open. I hope this one was more uplifting than the others. 


I think you finally figured out what you wanted. I'm proud of you and I always will be now... go get him tiger!

Love always,


I laughed and folded up the letter and put it into my vanity. It's quite interesting how I went from being the basket case, the missing girl and the school's slut all in the matter of just two months. I've sure put in a name for myself here.

It was getting late in the evening, so after dinner, I did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. It was my treat for my Aunt and Uncle after all they've done for me.

"You don't have to sweetie, why don't you go put your pajamas on and we'll watch a movie as a family?" Aunt Dar suggested, taking the dish cloth out of my hand and walking me in the direction of the stairs.

"Are you sure?" I asked, feeling bad.

"I promise you it's okay to indulge every once and a while. Now go, I'll make the popcorn!"

I hurried up the stairs then and opened my closet. I decided to go with the fuzzy pants mom got me for my sixteenth birthday along with the long sleeved shirt she had sewn all on her own. Tonight would be a little celebration night for those who have promised to protect and care for me.

I settled on the couch then, in between Uncle Chuck and Aunt Darlene. 

"What are we watching?" I smiled with the big bowl of popcorn in my lap.

"Annie." Aunt Dar smiled.

"My favorite, you remembered." I grinned from ear to ear and sat back in the comfy couch, Uncle Chuck hitting play on the DVD remote.


I woke up to the sun bleeding through the blinds. I stretched and stood up from my comfy old bed. Today was the start of a new day. I just couldn't wait to see the faces of my old classmates when they see that I have returned. I really was the hot topic for quite some time here and then I moved, hoping for a better life but my life is actually better here than anywhere else.

I opened letter number thirty two before beginning my morning routine:


You did it! You know what you want! He loves you, trust me.

Love always,


I sighed, putting the letter away. It feels as if these letters are getting shorter and shorter, I wonder if the rest are not even worth opening up at this point. Like yeah, I get it. The letters repeat themselves.

I decided to shower this morning and I gave my hair that wet all day look. I was feeling spontaneous today, why not show it?

I changed out of my pajamas and into my jean capri pants with a white baby-doll top. I felt so refreshed.I slid on my gladiator sandals and brushed my teeth and figuring I would just eat a granola bar on the way to school. Aunt Darlene and Uncle Chuck were going to drive me today just as a little treat.

"Are you ready girly?" Aunt Dar asked from the front seat.

"Yes, I think so." I peered my head out the window into the fresh cool air as we pulled up to the school parking lot.

"Remember to stop by the office before you do anything to get your new old schedule back." Aunt Dar said as Uncle Chuck hit the brakes and unlocked the car.

"Alright, you okay to walk home later? Your uncle has to go to work and I don't have a car to get you. You can walk or take the bus, your choice."

"I'll walk." I smiled from the sidewalk as they drove away.

I stood in front of the big brick building, taking multiple deep breaths before entering. When I entered, my hair flipped around from the breeze, my hair smacking me in the face as I entered the muggy school. I walked into the office to be greeted my familiar faces.

"Oh Marissa, you're back! Welcome!" Mrs. Collins stood up from her desk to give me a welcome back hug.

"I'm so glad you're back. How are you doing? Well, I hope?" She walked back to her desk and handed me my schedule.

"I'm doing pretty good, thanks." I looked down at my schedule, English first.

"Is my locker the same?" I asked before leaving the office.

"Yes, here is your lock." She handed me my old school lock I've had since sixth grade.

"Thanks, I'll check back in at the end of the day." I smiled warmly and made my exit, going down the long senior hallway.

It was like a scene from a movie. All people stopped what they were doing and turned their heads to look at me. I felt like I was walking down the runway at a fashion show except I couldn't tell if I was good news or bad news.

I kept my stares minimal and walked up to my old relic of a locker. It still looked the same, paint chipped in all four corners. I opened the locker and the musty locker smell hit me, I missed it.

I filled my locker up with a bunch of folders and slammed it shut, securing my lock on it. I swung my bag over my shoulder and it was like dramatic music came on and all eyes were back on me. Like hello, I've been going to school here for the past four years just like everyone else.

I can't wait to see Cole and see his expressionless face when I walk into English! I stood at the closed door of English. Walk in there like you own this place. Ready, set, go.

I opened the creaky door and the few people that were in class already, turned and looked at me. Their faces read shock and horror. Not sure the latter.

Two familiar heads turned around and one was pissed and one was scared. Cole looked at me like I had the chicken pox all over my body and... Rebecca looked like she wanted to toss me out the window. She sat on Cole's desk, playing with his hair, giggling like a dumb schoolgirl. 

"Marissa?" Cole stood up from his desk then, Rebecca's hand falling onto the desk instead of his hair.

"Hey Cole, yeah it's me." I spoke in a soft voice.

"What are you doing here?" His voice turned suddenly into joy and relief.

"I'm home." I smiled.

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