Chapter 15: To Us

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 The next morning I woke up to five missed calls from Cole, and ten from Claire. I dodged my phone against the wall, hoping it would break... it didn't. I harshly made my bed and went downstairs to make some breakfast. I opened the fridge only to find a carton of orange juice and some butter.

"Dammit!" I slammed the fridge shut and got a glass down from the cupboard and filled it with some tap water from the sink. I guess I forgot to go grocery shopping. 

This seriously all can't be happening right now. My so called fiance hooked up with my best friend behind my back and got her pregnant and now I don't have any food to eat.

I rummaged through my big vast purse and realized I had some cash on me, looks like I'll be dining out this fine morning. I slipped on my converse and threw on my light raincoat. I grabbed the keys to my Honda and ran out to my car in the drizzling rain.

I tossed my purse into my car and sped away to the diner on the corner of my street. My mom use to take me here and I haven't been back since she died. I parked right up front and was relieved it was a small crowd today so I wouldn't have to wait in line for a seat forever.

"Ah, Marissa, is that really you dear?" Mrs. Johnson, the owner greeted me at the door with her apron tied around her waist and a notepad in her hand.

"Yes, it's me." I shook off the rain jacket and hung it on the coat rack by the door.

"Come, sit at the counter." She put a loving arm around me and brought me to the empty front counter.

"What can I get you? Coffee or do you still like getting those cherry lemonades that you use to get as a kid?" She winked.

"Yes, a lemonade will be fine." I smiled. As a kid I would always order the cherry lemonade and mom would get the sweet tea. It was tradition and as soon as we walked in, Mrs. Johnson was already getting our drinks for us.

"What can I get for you today dear?" Mrs. Johnson asked as she placed the tall glass of lemonade in front of me.

"Scrambled eggs and white toast." I said quietly, my mom's favorite.

"Your mother's favorite." She whispered, "Perfect." 

The bell rang from the door, signaling someone has entered. I turned around to see who it was out of complete curiosity. I immediately regret that decision, snapping my head back to the cooks. I sipped on my lemonade hoping they wouldn't notice me. But they took a seat right next to me, George and Claire.

"Oh hey Marissa, didn't see you there." George smiled, taking off his jacket. Yeah, sure, you didn't see me. Claire minded her own business and took a look at the menu.

I wonder, does he not know the news? That has to be the case, otherwise he wouldn't be having breakfast with his whore of a girlfriend.

"Claire," George nudged Claire but she didn't take her eye off the menu, her eyes slowly becoming teary eyed. I watched as the scene continued to unfold in front of me.

"Claire, aren't you going to say hi?" George whispered.

"I already did." Claire lied, fake smiling, her eyes like lasers beaming into mine.

George just shook his head and ordered a black coffee, Claire a water. Some things never change I guess. Claire never ordered anything but a water back at Yale, she was always on some cleansing diet or whatever.

My food came then and I minded my own business, practically inhaling my breakfast.

"Wow slow down there sweetheart, we aren't going anywhere." Mrs. Johnson joked, causing George and Claire to look over at me scarfing my food down like a damn dog.

"It's just so good and I'm so hungry." I admitted.

"I haven't had a meal this good since school." I said. Claire looked over at me raising an eyebrow.

"Marissa, have you been out grocery shopping lately?" She asked, acting like last night never happened.

"Of course, why?" I lied.

"No reason." She turned back to George and they whispered on about something.

"I know it must be hard adjusting to living on your own, you know where I live. If you need anything, don't hesitate to come by." Mrs. Johnson patted my back and walked off to other customers.

"It must be hard adjusting to that new diet, huh Claire?" I decided to take a stab at it, why the hell not?

"Oh, I didn't even notice. Claire bear why did you order such a large plate of food?" George asked. Claire bear, ugh the nickname made me want to gag.

Claire was silently also stuffing her face with mound of pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream.

"I had a change of mind, why not indulge?" She pretended to laugh but deep down she was having cravings. 

I watched as she finished every last bite, even licking her fingers. She was starting to sweat as the guilt reached her. 

"Honey, you feeling okay?" George rubbed her back which Claire immediately slapped off.

C'mon, you're so close Claire, just say it already.

"Do you know something that I don't?" George looked at me worriedly. I shared a quick glance with Claire and she shook her head no.

I could feel the tension in the air rise as Claire nearly choked as she began to speak. The bell rang again, another person entering.

"I'm pregnant with Cole's baby." She rushed out, slamming the cup of water down onto the table, water splashing the counter.

"WHAT?" A familiar voice yelled. We all turned around and I wanted to scream. Cole.

"What do you mean you're pregnant with Cole's baby?" George was infuriated, his face beet red.

"Yeah, please do explain." Cole took a seat next to Claire, also pissed.

"Cole remember the night at Lauren's party last month?" She asked, nervous as hell.

"Yeah, I had a few beers and zonked out on her couch." Cole remember the incident very well apparently.

"No, I brought you up to the spare bedroom and we..." Claire's face struck horror as realization came forth.

"Wait, that wasn't you?" Claire froze in awestruck as she tried to put the pieces together all the while I was bursting with joy and happiness, holding in my laughter at Claire's stupidity.

"No, that was Evan." Cole was nearly laughing as well. George was confused.

"Evan... McIntyre?" She said slowly, almost like the memory of that night was playing in her head.

"Yeah, everyone thinks we look like twins and always mix us up." Cole said, finally clearing the damn air.

All I could do was smile and jump into Cole's lap.

"I think you're missing something." Cole pointed to my ring-less finger. Crap! I threw it at Claire last night.

"I found it outside the woman's bathroom last night." He admitted, pulling it out of his pocket.

"Now, I will ask again. Marissa Strong, will you do the honor of marrying me?" He smiled, waiting to slide the ring onto my finger.

"Of course." I smiled, kissing him softly on the lips.

"That's my girl!" Mrs. Johnson beamed from behind the counter.

George stormed out of the diner with Claire running after him.

"So where does this leave us?" Cole asked.

"This leaves us with forever." I slid onto my own stool and held his hand with mine.

"To us." I held my glass up to his and they clanked together.


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