Chapter 9: Ultimatum

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The rest of the week at the Greer's was spent with laughter and happiness, it's the best happiness I've had in ages. Everything was just perfect. Cole and I were still just friends because I wanted to take it as slow as possible so nothing gets messy in the long run.

"I was thinking today after school we could go to the beach?" Cole asked as we dove into our pancakes.

"Yeah sure, sounds like fun." I agreed.

"Isn't it a little chilly though? It's nearly October." I reminded him.

"There's actually an event going down at Carolina Beach at the pier and I want to take you, it's a little festival type of thing." 

"Ah, sure. I think I went last year with my mom." I smiled, remembering last year at the fall festival. Mom was having a ball with a gin in one hand and a Popsicle in the other.

"I can't wait." I said, bringing my empty dish to the sink.

"See you at the bus stop." I said, swinging my bag onto my shoulder.


"I can't wait for tonight." Rebecca Waters bragged for like the tenth time today, she was also going to the festival with her boyfriend of four months, Roger Waley. 

"We know." Cole and I said in sync which caused us to laugh.

"Won't you be there too Marissa?" Rebecca talked in that annoying high-pitched voice.

"Yes, I told you this in English today." I rolled my eyes.

"And you Cole?" She batted her eyelashes even though Roger was sitting right next to her on the bus.

"Yes I am, with a very special person." He looked at me and then Rebecca.

"You two still bed buddies huh?" Rebecca nudged Roger awake from his snooze.

"Hear that Rog? Cole is dating his step-sister." Rebecca laughed.

"He's not my step-brother. We're not related." I sat up in my seat.

"We get it, you guys aren't official yet." Rebecca retorted.

I rolled my eyes and slumped back into my seat. That girl is always out to get me no matter what I say or do. She's always had a thing for Cole, that's evident. 

Thankfully, it was our next stop to get off. 

"See you guys later." Rebecca shouted and waved as we got off the bus.

"She's really getting on my last nerve." I yelled.

"Somebody jealous?" Cole teased.

"Never." I looked him dead in the eye and walked into the house.

"Aunt Darlene?" I dropped my bag onto the hardwood floor as my Aunt Darlene and Uncle Chuck were standing in the foyer.

"What are you guys doing here?" I felt my heart rate speed up and my palms began to sweat.

"Honey, you should come sit down." Cassandra called from the kitchen. I went into the kitchen and took a seat at the dining room table.

"What is going on?" I demanded.

"Marissa, we feel horrible for not consoling you when your mother passed, she was my sister and I loved her very much. We want you to live with us back in South Carolina." Aunt Darlene chose her words very carefully. 

"I-I... don't know what to say." I looked up at Cole who looked heartbroken and then I looked at Aunt Darlene who had a "Pretty please with a cherry on top" face.

"Why though?" I asked.

"You can start fresh there, start a new school, be with your family that loves you, you're actual family." Uncle Chuck spoke this time.

"You can help me with the farm kiddo, like you did when you use to visit as a kid." He added, smiling.

"This... this just isn't healthy for you. The constant reminder that your mom is no longer here. We think it would better for you to live with us." Aunt Darlene looked sincere. How could I say no? I love it down in South Carolina. Most of my cousins live down there. I can finally feel whole again.

"Okay, I'll do it." I smiled big and wide.

"Wait what?" Cole interrupted.

"Cole." I stood up, taking his hands in mine.

"I need this, I need something fresh in my life. We're just friends anyway. I want this." I admitted.

"Whatever, always thinking about yourself." He shook his head and took off down the hall.

"He doesn't mean it, he'll come around." Cassandra assured me.

"So when do I leave?" I asked.

"Tonight." Uncle Chuck answered.

"Oh, tonight..." 

"Will that be a problem?" Aunt Dar raised her eyebrow.

"No, not at all. I just have to grab my belongings." I bolted up the stairs. Before I packed everything up, I opened letter number six:


Change is good, you may not agree at first but everything will fall into place. He still loves you and love wins.

Love always,


I folded up the note and tossed it into my bag with the rest of my belongings. I still had very little to none things. I really only have clothes and my letters. I came down the stairs in the matter of just minutes.

"Ready sweetie?" Aunt Darlene asked at the door.

"Just one thing." I ran through the house until I found him. Cole was on the back patio, sitting in the sun.

"Cole, I know this isn't what you wanted, but I need this. I need to get back to my roots. I'll be back, I promise." 

He still didn't budge. Ugh. I bent down next him and he took his sunglasses off, finally.

"I promise." I held out my pinky. He laughed at first but shook on it.

"I'll be waiting for you Miss Strong." He smiled.

"I will text you everyday." I added.

"Will you?" He asked, sitting up from the chair.

"Will this insure you?" I said, leaning in and kissing him ever so slightly on the lips.

"Yeah." His face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"I'll see you soon." I stood up and waved goodbye to my best friend.

I walked back through the house and to the front door.

"Ready?" Aunt Dar asked.

"I'm ready." I shook my head confidently and Uncle Chuck opened the door for me and out I went again, to start a new adventure.

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